
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rested soul…


It’s wonderful to have a rested body, but even more wonderful if your soul is at rest too.

God wants us to throw all of our burdens on His shoulders,

to cast our cares upon Him,

to let Him carry the load for us.

He doesn’t want us to have tormented minds and emotions,

full of worry,



He wants our souls to be at ease and full of peace.

I used to have a framed scripture passage on one of the walls in my house.

When something was burdening my soul I would write it on a post it note.

I would pray and tell God that I was giving Him the burden,

then I would let it go by sticking it on the back of that framed verse.

It was a symbolic reminder that the burden was no longer on my shoulders but His.

What a blessing years later when I took that picture down,

to see all of the burdens that once seemed so huge,

that God had carried for me,

and difficult trials He had carried me through.


Still following,



  1. What a beautiful idea to post our cares. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful reminder this morning that our Heavenly Father will carry our burdens for us and promises peace ~

  3. thinking on this .. deeply.
    :o) jAne

  4. What a beautiful reminder. Life is so much easier when we let go & let God. I'm glad you found my blog & that in turn I've found yours. Hugs-Carrie

  5. A new way to 'cast' all our cares on Him!

  6. beatiful post and so full of truth.

  7. What a fantastic thing to have all those burdens lifted from your shoulders and a reminder of their history! Great post!

  8. I'm so glad I have such a trustworthy, always there, burden bearer! God is amazing. Love that picture. Makes me want to just go get God's Word and hear His voice!


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