
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Splashin’ in the puddles of His abundance…



When God pours out His blessings

sometimes the most appropriate response is

to dance in the rain of His goodness

splash in the puddles of His abundance

and simply enjoy Him

and all of the many gifts He gives.




I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.


-a sleepover with baby granddaughter

-a wonderful couple from our church stopping by the house just to have coffee and encourage us

-time studying the book of Colossians

-all appliances are working thanks to a dear young handyman friend! YaY for dishwashers and washing machines!

-God answering a prayer for wisdom for my Hubs in a specific situation

-meeting sweet blog friends face to face


-the Hubs helping me as I was getting ready for our church’s annual Ladies’ Retreat

-a flare up of back/neck pain better before retreat

-an awesome, amazing ladies’ retreat…God is working in me and in the wonderful women of our church



-a day of healing and reconciliation

-seeing the Hubs obey God even when it’s not easy,

then God speaking to me about a specific act of obedience too

-first meeting of our church’s new youth outreach an amazing turnout…over half first time visitors


Gratefully yours,



  1. Such sweet relationship with Christian women. I miss that. I'm glad you are feeling better.

  2. So much to be thankful for. And there I am - right there on your blog. It was a sweet day with you and our bloggy friends. Such sweet reports of the retreat and your precious little grandsweetie dancing in the rain. Keep dancing in the rain of His Spirit, my friend.

  3. beautiful post sweet friend--

    thank you so much for all your words of encouragement over at my place

    love you,

  4. the sweet pictures of your granddaughter...great list...

  5. Visiting from Ann's today. Beautiful post and loved the pictures. Have a blessed day!

  6. Beautiful post and wonderful reminder for us all to dance in the rain.

  7. I love the splash photos! I've been looking for a little girl with fun rain boots to do a photo shoot in the rain with!

  8. I was feeling depressed today; I decided to browse through some blog pages through my blog list and came across your blog. This post of yours just made my day. It's just inspiring to see you and your friends come together to pray. It must have been a heavenly feeling. Thank you so much for this post.


  9. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

  10. Thanks for sharing the picture of your and my blog friends. :) What a blessing to be able to get together.


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