
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another wood caddy…


All of the grocery shopping is done.

The dough for the pie crust is made and wrapped and chilling in the refrigerator.

The turkey is thawed and waiting in the refrigerator as well.

Tomorrow I will…

make the dinner rolls,

finish the pies,  (pumpkin, pecan and chocolate),

assemble the green bean casserole

and the yam casserole, (I’ve got to share that recipe with you…divine!),

make the dressing,

make a yummy, buttery concoction of butter, onion, celery, and fresh sage and stuff it under the skin of the turkey and put it in the roasting pan so it’s all ready to pop in the oven on Thanksgiving morning,

make sure the tablecloth is ironed,

and straighten up the house one last time.

We’ll end the day by picking up youngest daughter at the airport.


Since the goodies aren’t made and the table’s not set I have nothing to show you



another little thrift store wooden caddy that I found a while back

made of heavy 1980’s style oak.

I “antiqued” it up

by dry brushing on some flat white paint,

sanding it to distress it in spots,

then waxing it up with brown shoe polish,

(the kind in the tin)!


The Saturday after Thanksgiving I’ll deck the house for Christmas.

I have some cute plans for this little guy!



Still following,


Beach Cottage Good Life WednesdaysPhotobucket






  1. Your plans sound wonderful! I'm not 'doing' Thanksgiving here this year. Taking my dear, little mother to my cousin's home for dinner. The kids and grandkids are away. My sweetheart wasn't going to be home - he has been off in the southeast part of the state in search of elk! A surprise call this afternoon thrilled my heart - he's coming home. Tomorrow. With elk. Will be here for turkey!!!

  2. Hi Elizabeth, you did a great job on that caddy, I love your antiquing. Such a pretty vignette too:)

  3. Dear Elizabeth , I wish you and your loved ones a warm and blessed Thanksgiving !

  4. What a special way to perk up the caddy! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Your menu makes me hungry just reading it! (I couldn't wait to put up the "Christmas pole" with it's little white lights! More to come. First we travel and eat and eat.)

  5. Very sweet caddy....Your day sounds like mine...but no airport! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  6. Sounds like you've got all your ducks in a row and will have a wonderful Thanksgiving day!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love this little caddy and the vignette you've created with it...pinning away!


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