
Sunday, November 27, 2011

BIRTHday cakes and blessings…

As if the fact that I made two dozen homemade rolls and four pies

for a Thanksgiving dinner for eight people wasn’t a bit excessive…

today I made a two layer applesauce cake slathered with pink colored cream cheese frosting

and topped it with multicolored sprinkles.

Newest granddaughter’s BIRTHday is tomorrow,

so I made a BIRTHday cake to bring up to the hospital…

just like I did when her big sister was born “two and three fourths” years ago,

as she likes to say.


I am so excited I can barely put two words together that make sense.

BUT, I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…


-money to pay the bills

-groceries…more than enough to eat

-comfy and warm new slippers

-consulting with youngest daughter, (the family pie baking expert), via text messages as I baked the Thanksgiving pies

-Handel’s Messiah, so full of the Word of God, playing in the background as I bake

-a wonderful Thanksgiving

-talking to faraway siblings on this first holiday without our mama

-going to the holiday parade downtown with family and friends




-getting to see my sister and spend a fun evening with the family at my nephew’s house

-preapproval from the county for our church building project


-long time friends in town and able to come to church with us and lunch together after


Gratefully yours,



  1. It's a wonderful list from your wonderful life this week. I liked the one about money to pay bills. It seems like something one would NEVER take for granted, but reading this I'm reminded that I gripe about the bills and the cost of everything climbing, but the real miracle is the way God keeps our family able to meet the growing prices with His mighty hand.

  2. A new baby? Oh, how exciting! Now that will be something to be thankful for. I'm glad your church project came together the way you were hoping :)

  3. How exciting that this is the day you will meet your new granddaughter! Praying for her and her momma - and for you. Can't wait to meet her and start sharing the joy she brings to you.

  4. great list...oh new grand baby...congrats...I am just months away...words can't express the Joy...
    Blessings as you welcome another gift...

  5. Praying for a safe and wonderful delivery. I am excited too. Keep us posted if you can.


  6. Love your list. And I love a parade, too. So much fun. :)

  7. "money to pay the bills"

    Isn't it funny how easy it is to take this for granted? I realized it 2 weeks ago when the fuel pump went out on my husband's car, and last week when my car needed 4 new tires. My husband is a good provider, so I don't worry about money. But the real thanks goes to The One who provides for us constantly.

    Hi! Just visiting from Ann's blog! Congrats on the new baby, and have a good week!


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