
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Delicious and easy homemade chili on a cold fall night…


The other night I was hungry for some homemade chili.

It seemed the perfect thing to have for dinner on a cold fall night.

The only trouble is I hadn’t soaked and cooked any dried beans and didn’t have enough time to.

So I ran to the grocery store and bought some cans of chili beans and threw together a little this and that,

taking some ideas from my recipe for taco soup.

It turned out so yummy that I thought I’d share the “recipe”.

Easy, Homemade Chili

In my 6 qt. soup pot I browned 2 lbs. extra lean ground beef.

Then I chopped one medium large sized yellow onion and cooked it with the beef.

Next I added 6 - 15 oz. size cans of chili beans, 2- 15 oz. cans diced tomatoes,

and 1 -15 oz. can tomato sauce.

For seasoning I added 1/2 cup taco sauce, 1 pkg. taco seasoning, 3 tsp. chili powder,

and 2 cloves minced garlic.

(seasonings can be adjusted to your taste)

I let it simmer for a couple of hours on low and served it with cheese, sour cream, sliced olives, and some yummy cornbread!

This almost filled the soup pot so makes enough for a crowd.

We shared ours with our oldest daughter and her family.


It’s even better leftover!


Still following,



  1. You need to do a cookbook, looks like a recipe to try. Thanks

  2. I make something similar and it's my husband's favorite. I love it because it is so simple! You've got a few things there that I may try.

  3. Yum, chili. I am in love with the picture of the pears. 'just sayin.

  4. I think I'm going to make some soon. Copies your recipe and will give thanks for you as I enjoy it!

  5. I have been craving chili since it started getting cold! Perfect winter meal :)


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