
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Followers and comments…

Attending a pastor’s confernce with the Hubs the next few days.

Not too sure how much posting I’ll get to do.

I want to say welcome to my new followers! 

Some of you I was able to welcome via your blogs.

If you are a follower without a blog, I may not have been able to.


Also, once I get behind on commenting back on your comments it’s impossible to catch up.

I am now way behind.

Just know that I read and appreciate each one!

Love to each of you,



  1. I hope the conference leaves your cup overflowing! I'm very behind too. I just try to enjoy as much time as I'm allowed here in blog land.

  2. I'm way behind too. Sometimes it becomes so overwhelming for me and then I feel bad since I don't want people to think I'm ignoring them. Hope you enjoy your conference :)

  3. Praying you and your husband are refreshed! It's so hard to keep up with comments once you get behind. Then again, I don't receive too many yet, so hopefully I am caught up!


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