
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Living a thanks giving life…


I sit before my keyboard, tears in my eyes, as I realize that thanks giving has changed me,

changed my life.

Not Thanksgiving the day, but thanks giving the life style.

I started listing my thanks in my little green journal on September 27th, 2009.

“I’m lavished with love, grace and favor by Jesus” was the first thing I gave thanks for.

Two years, two months, and almost 1500 thanks later I realize I’m happier, more content,

more mindful of how blessed I am.

Thanks Ann for starting me on this journey of thanks living.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal.


-listening to Laura Hackett worship

-His Presence


-helping my oldest daughter get ready for our new granddaughter’s arrival

-a cozy, warm fire in the fireplace

-driving up the Columbia River Gorge



-the last of the fall foliage


-the first snow in the foothills of the Cascades


-dinner with good friends

-an email from my brother in Africa

-so much to look forward to:


faraway daughters coming home to visit,

a new granddaughter due any time now


Gratefully yours,



  1. I have been changed by thanks giving, too. Ann's book opened my heart to see living in gratitude is an all-the-time thing! I am holding tight to thanks giving these days - and every day.

  2. thank you for this post. Gratitude.

  3. What a beautiful post. Best wishes for a wonderful week ♥

  4. Thanksgiving unto Him is the root of joy for sure! Congratulations on the new life to join your family soon!

  5. so thankful to Ann as well....and awaiting a first...
    Have a blessed week...

  6. I too am being changed by focusing on all that I have to be thankful for. Laura Hackett is one of our favorites around here. And a new granddaughter arriving soon! What more could you want?

  7. I too joined Ann 77 weeks ago and how it has changed me...I look for the blessings in all things and to be thankful for things that I have over looked in the past
    I am thankful that we can come together to share our thanksgiving and how GOD has blessed us each week


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