
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My prayer…

The church offices are right across the street from a large apartment complex

Well known to the police they say

High murder rate, poverty, broken people

So this is the place we choose to make a sanctuary

Nothing fancy, but a simple house of worship, His place, a safe place for the broken

This is the life He draws us to

We feel most at home among the broken

It’s the religious who think they have it all together that make us nervous

For months and months we wait for the permits to build

And we are astounded that this is happening in America

As the county puts up roadblock after roadblock

But already mamas and kids and youth find their way over to our offices

The lost, the hurting, the harvest knocking at our door

And we know that this is where God wants us

Right there in the middle of the broken

In the place people call the worst

So we speak to the mountain to move

By faith we will build a house of worship, His place, a safe place for the broken

God, go before us and fight on our behalf

Fight on behalf of the broken ones who need Your hope, who need Your love

In the Name of Your Son, Jesus



Asking for your prayers dear friends as we fight this battle.



  1. Lifting you up in prayer. For over four years now our House of Prayer existed in a store front, across from a bowling alley, with many needy walking by throughout the day. They would hear the music as far into the parking lot, and just come in, to sit, not ever really coming to Jesus, but we know Jesus met them when they came.

    Just Sunday we now have put an offer on our very own building. We are praying for favor from the City. I know what it is like to know that you are in God's will, while waiting for others to catch up.

    Praying for this mountain to be moved and that everything will fall into place.

  2. Praying with you - asking the Father to open the door so no man (or government) can shut it! He has walked ahead of you this far - He won't leave now.

  3. count me in on praying,for wherever 2 or more are gathered in My Name...

    you're on Holy Ground.

  4. I will pray. This is the work God wants us to do. I'm glad you are brave enough to trust God and do the work. I'm learning from you.

  5. I need to read your posts more carefully, Elizabeth. I've prayed based on info. in this post alone--curious about your role in this venture....

  6. that is awesome to should be right in the community and loving on the broken around it....prayers up

  7. I will be praying for the red tape to be cleared up and the path to be cleared for progress for Gods work. This is how it should be. We went to a church that reached the community and the community became a good one. That pastor died and the new one moved the church to a "safer neighborhood" in a better part of town. That old community has gone down but what could it be again with a church that worked hard to reach it.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I am praying with you ! I am so glad I am visiting today , as if something reminded me of you I see the reason

  10. elizabeth... i love this. i love that you guys are truly the church. i am praying, sister... don't give up.

  11. Praying for the place of refuge God has set up through you...


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