
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Night watch…



I normally sleep through the night

But not last night

Instead I dreamt of sex traffickers

And a young girl crying out for help

I woke up in the darkness

And prayed for whoever she is

The one crying out to be rescued from hell

Honestly, part of me said

Why God?

I don’t want to think about this

I want to bake pies


think about Thanksgiving


my new granddaughter coming any day now

but He said pray

so I did

and He reminds me

of how He loves

and longs to rescue

and I cry with Him


Still following,


link here for information on how to make a difference


  1. oh those night watches...sometimes I think those can be my most pure prayers...God comes not through our mind...but direct to the heart...
    Have a blessed thanksgiving...and rejoicing and welcoming the new one....

  2. Thank you for being so close to Him that He can wake you, and you will pray.

  3. humbled by your willingness to pray...
    i join you.


  4. I have only experienced being awoken to pray for someone I don't know a few times in my life time. They are always fervent and passionate prayers. You must be a wonderful prayer warrior, for God to have chosen you! Glad you answered His call! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!! Paula

  5. Elizabeth,
    It is a wonderful calling and priceless privilege when He calls us to intercede.
    Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving.

  6. Sometimes our joy seems so incompatible with their suffering. Instead might our overflowing blessings motivate us to advocate for those in need. Thank you for not letting us forget.

  7. Thank you for the link and for remember the hurting out there that is almost too horrible to think about. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. this is creative and moving,
    you have made the case validly here.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. gripping. Thank you for the reminder of God's heart longing to rescue.

  10. In the still quiet of the night - God speaks. Thank you for the reminder to listen. In the darkness.

  11. oh wow.

    i am stopping to pray for her too...

    such a battle that wages, friend.

    love to you.


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