
Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Centerpiece with Universal China Woodvine pattern…

Mama was not a collector.

There are many things that I remember seeing around the house when I was a little girl I would like to have now.

But, other than Grandma’s quilts, Mama didn’t keep “old things”.

So, the fact that I have a few items that have been around since my childhood is precious to me.

I have one lone Universal China Woodvine pattern refrigerator bowl that Mama had ever since I can remember.

Then last year, my blog friend Karen, posted a photo of her lovely Universal China collection.

I started hunting for more pieces to go with Mama’s old bowl, but was hesitant to pay the price.

Imagine my delight in finding this lovely piece after Christmas last year at Monticello Antiques for nine dollars!

This year, it’s the star of my Christmas table.


I simply set a red glass vase inside the bowl and put a candle in the vase.


Around the vase I put some Christmas greens, some Walmart Christmas ornament tin stars, and some balls that say HO!, HO!, HO!, or OH!, OH!, OH! if you look at them upside down!





Still following,


The Lettered Cottage


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