
Sunday, December 18, 2011

My glass overfloweth…


They say you’re either a glass half-empty type person

or a glass half-full.

I’ve always believed I’m of the glass half-full persuasion,

but sometimes it’s not just the way I am,

it’s a choice…

a choice to look for His gifts,

a choice to remember that this life is not all there is,

a choice to remember that it’s only the dressing room for eternity

and forever and ever and ever is a very real thing

for those who have made Jesus Lord,

(or The Boss of Your Life

as I like to say).

So, Christmas is different this year.

Mama’s in heaven.

Oldest daughter, son in law and grandbabies won’t be home for Christmas.

Youngest daughter won’t be home for Christmas.

We’re flying cross country on Christmas Eve to be with second born and her family,

to celebrate Christmas and to say goodbye,

as they depart for Ghana soon.

I’d prefer to stay home.

I’d prefer all of our family could be home together like in years past.

I’d prefer there was no empty place at the table

where loved ones used to sit.

But changes come, and even so,

life is more than half full with blessings,

it overflows.


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…

-a walk on a crispy, cold day

-holding baby granddaughter while she sleeps

-making up stories for Big Sister

-lunch with my brother

-checking things off the to-do list one by one

-having a table full of company for dinner on a Wednesday night

-the most amazing view of Mt. Hood as I drive over the bridge from Oregon to Washington on a cold, clear day

-a whole different kind of beauty driving over the same place on a gray, foggy day

-a helpful bank employee

-a wonderful and fun early Christmas gathering with the Hub’s family

-Great Grandma, (the Hub’s mama), seeing baby granddaughter for the first time



-driving through the Hub’s hometown to see the Christmas lights






-the love of our church family and our love for them and His great love above all


Gratefully yours,



  1. So beautiful to count your blessings. What a darling granddaughter. You have a lot to be thankful for. Merry Christmas.

  2. Lovely pictures! Christmas is a wonderful time to think of the many blessings we have every day!! God bless you and walk with you through this holy remembrance of our Savior's birth.

  3. Your life is a beautiful witness. Love the photo of Grandma with the baby. So precious. Being an empty nester can be bittersweet. How exciting that your child will soon be off to Ghana doing wonderful things. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. I'll have a grandbaby girl due New Years Eve! Our first grandbaby - and a baby girl to make girl noises in this boy's only house! I love your pictures of your precious baby girl - with her great grandmother! What a blessing! And, yes, my bank tellers are blessings, too!

    I also wanted to thank you for your Jesse Branch inspiration. I made one last week after I visited - well, I wrote a post about it and linked to you. Your idea has so blessed my family! Thanks! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas:)

  5. My glass is half full to overflowing, too. We are blessed! I love the picture of your hubs, his mother, your daughter and her new daughter - four beautiful generations. Sending Christmas wishes for safe travels and a sweet time with your dear ones.

  6. That baby-kissing picture is just priceless!
    She looks like a super-wonderful great grandmother!

    I hope it's a beautiful Christmas for you, Elizabeth!
    (This was our first year to do a Jesse tree too!)

  7. Hi darling, I love the pictures of great grandma kissing the baby, just priceless.
    I know new traditions have to be made that's what makes the world go is so hard. With Mr. P's illness I'm discovering each and every day how to except my glass is half full and not half empty.. I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas..
    hugs ~lynne~

  8. Elizabeth is that an upside down tree? Hanging from someone's rafters? Oh my goodness!
    The photos are priceless with the baby and g-grandma. What a treasure. That is precious!
    New traditions come, old ones leave for a while. It's great to think back and be nostalgic, I do it all the time. I am like you though, thankful the Boss of my life brings new joys, new endeavors, new opportunities....I hope your Christmas is a bright one! Us glass half full gals stick together! Optimism is the best medicine :) Merry Christmas! xo

  9. choices as our family grows up...letting flexibility be the rule of the season...receive the what is...not looking at the what it is not...We too are scattered this Christmas....
    love the pictures...the upside down that yours?
    blessings as you drink from the half full glass...

  10. I have to force myself to be the glass half full girl. LOVE the upsidedown tree. :) I'm working on the positivity and gratitudes. It's coming along. I'm become more and more hopeful. :)

  11. I love to see the world through other's eyes. You do this beautifully. I would love to invite you to join my linkup today. I am hosting a Christmas Photo Scavenger Hunt. I hope to see you there.

  12. I love your attitude of counting it all joy. I also love that picture of great grandma kissing her precious new great granddaughter.

    I do remember first Christmases without loved ones. There's a hole that only Jesus can fill. Praise Him that He does!

    Merry Christmas, Elizabeth.

  13. So beautiful Elizabeth. The words and the photos.

    I, unfortunately, am a glass half empty type of girl. God has really been encouraging me through "this world is not all there is."

  14. Such wonderful blessings you have and such beautiful photos. Love the one of grandma with the precious!

  15. Beautiful post Elizabeth--I know about those empty places at the table--C.S. Lewis says in Shadowlands, "The pain now is part of the happiness then." I love that line because it is so true--what makes it hurt so much now is because we loved so much then and made so many wonderful memories--

    God bless you and yours dear sister in Christ this joyous season--

  16. Does anyone know where I can buy a Nativity like the one in the last picture. I saw one exactly like it in Centre Hall, PA a few years ago and love it!


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