
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our blessings…


Baby granddaughter is one month old today.

Her mama put two wee pony tails in her hair to show off how much hair she has.


Big Sister got this strider bike for Christmas and is enjoying her Christmas week

with Mama, Daddy and baby sister at her other Papa and Nana’s house.

In the meanwhile, the Hubs and I are soaking up our time in South Carolina

with our oldest granddaughter and only grandson.



Today my daughter, granddaughter and I all got pedicures while the Hubs took our grandson for a haircut.

Afterwards we went to a local seafood restaurant and enjoyed southern hushpuppies and fish.

We ended the day with some homemade banana pudding for dessert and watching a movie together.

Did I ever tell you that being a Nana is the greatest?

I did?

Well, it’s true!


Still following,



  1. Your grandkids are adorable. You're blessed.

  2. Beautiful grandchildren!! How blessed you are! Love the photos!

  3. What a bunch of cuties! Sounds like some great family time :)

  4. You are blessed, my friend! Did you ever think being a Nana could be such fun?

  5. What cute grandkids! My mom (81) and my dad (83) are Nana and Papa to their grandchildren and great grandchildren. I love following your blog - such sweet inspiration because of who you follow.

    May God continue to bless you and your family in 2012.

    Cheryl M. - Texas

    P.S. I have one of those Dundee jars that I acquired from my grandmother many years ago. I find new places to put it now that I have seen yours on display. Thanks -


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