
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Surprising the grandkids on Christmas Eve…


                     We left Portland early Christmas Eve morning and flew to South Carolina to surprise our two oldest grandkids for Christmas.  My words can’t capture the moment as well as this video.

(You will need to turn off my blog music on the bottom left of my homepage first.)


Surprising the grandkids for Christmas…


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…


-soup and sandwiches shared with oldest daughter and her family

-an unexpected dinner out with the Hubs on Tuesday night

-a wonderful evening of fellowship at the home of a dear couple from our church

-celebrating Christmas early with our oldest daughter and her family

-an amazing Christmas dinner, service and outreach to the community on Friday night with our church, (Truelife Church), helping our son-in-law and daughter’s church, (Hope City),…over 300 came, over 20 new commitments to Christ

-all of the volunteers from Hope City and Truelife Church who made it possible

-more than enough food donated to feed everyone

-a safe, uneventful flight to South Carolina (bulkhead seat with no one else in our row too!)

-the joy when our grandkids saw us

-the Hubs annual blessing written out and read over our children

-a wonderful Christmas


Gratefully yours,



  1. What a great thing to do. Sounds like you have had a rather busy but very blessed week.

  2. Now that I've dried my tears of joy for each of you, I'm sitting here smiling! What a wonderful surprise. Thank you for sharing these moments with us. Have a wonderful time together!

  3. Oh wow, that brought a tear to my eyes! And I laughed so hard when your son thought about his own brother! Thanks for sharing!

  4. You made me weep.........nuff said!!

    love you


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