
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A treasure…

“I’m just stopping in at Goodwill for a minute since it’s right on my way”, is always my excuse.

This little guy was hidden amongst all the other junky knick knacks on the crowded shelf.

But I spied him and I bought him for 99cents.

I think with this little sprig of holly he may be one of my favorite Christmas decorations this year.


My blog is growing.

I have new followers that I haven’t been able to say welcome to.

Faithful readers leave comments and I’m not always able to respond to tell them I read their comment

and how much it meant to me.


I can only do so much.

But there’s Someone who sees you there in amongst the crowd.

He bought you and was willing to pay an exorbitant price to make you His.

Because you’re His favorite.

Yes, you.


In the midst of these busy days of holiday preparations,

I pray that you are overwhelmed with His great love for you.

I pray that His peace rules your mind and heart.

I pray that His joy becomes your strength when you are weary.

I pray that His love flows through you to the not so easy to love people that are in your life.

I pray that you are healed and whole in body, soul and spirit.

I pray that all of your needs are met above and beyond all you can ask or think.

I pray that your Christmas is the merriest

and your New Year blessed beyond measure.


Love to each of you,



  1. Oh, thank you so much for the prayer, Elizabeth! I pray this for you as well. It's true, we do like to receive a response when we've left a comment or become a new follower of someone's blog. But, to realize that we are acknowledged by the Most Important one of All, Jesus, is the most recognition we need. He's always there!

  2. Elizabeth,
    WIshing you and your family a most blessed and merry Christmas.
    I am so thankful and truly blessed by our Saviour's extravagant love!

  3. I needed that today. This week. Thank you!
    Merry Christmas to you--blessings beyond measure!

  4. THINK THat your blog photos here are lovely . Also love this music and would love to know the name of your song! Just lovely.

  5. Also, thank you for the lovely prayers for all of us. How much we all need these things! Blessings to you

  6. Yes, that little guy sure is a sweet one! I am giddy when I find new Coffee cups too. I wish you and your family a beautifully blessed Christmas!

  7. Thank you, Elizabeth! What a thoughtful post here. :) I also think that's a precious little find you have there with the holly! Just lovely!
    I hope you have a very blessed Christmas yourself!

  8. Your blog is always so uplifting and inspiring. I struggle right now with someone at work, and your words about His love flowing through me to those not so easy to love just blessed me so much.

    May God pour out blessings to you and your family in 2012 in such a way that you stand amazed at His goodness, faithfulness, and love.

  9. What a beautiful message. I love your new little find too :)

  10. thank you so much ..
    for your blessing in this post
    and for always offering such
    sweet encouragement to the hearts
    of your readers. it is indeed
    appreciated and welcomed.

    you are precious.


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