
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Beauty in every season…


Every season has its own unique beauty…


Treasure that can only be found in that season, that day, that moment…


If we only have eyes to see…

If we only choose to look.

In every season of life,

seasons of joy, seasons of sorrow, seasons of peace, seasons of trial,

there is beauty.

The laughter and ease of the season of joy,

the consolation and comfort He gives in the season of sorrow,

the calm and serenity of a season of peace,

the treasure He gives in the dark seasons.

If we only have eyes to see…

If we only choose to look…

Beauty, His Beauty,

in every season, every day, every moment.


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…

-Sunday, our church, God’s Presence, lives touched

-cold morning, warm fire in the fireplace

-hot coffee

-snuggly afghan crocheted by my Mama

-cleaning out our storage closet and sorting through 35 years of sweet card, letters, and drawings

from the Hubs, our girls, our grandbabies, my Mama

-our sweet granddaughters and grandson

-lovely winter’s day walk

-seeing God working out His plans and purposes in our children’s lives

-cooking and sharing a frittata with the Hubs after a late evening meeting

-Kari Jobe’s song, My Beloved 

-fun date day with the Hubs

-an unexpected rebate check

-provision to get some new clothes


Gratefully yours,



  1. Beautiful pictures... wonderful words!

  2. such beautiful photos! great song from Kari Jobe

  3. Such beautiful pictures! Just stopping by from Ann's place to say hello! :)

  4. this is just beautiful...words and pictures...counting all as graces...just transforming...
    Blessing to you...

  5. Oh that He would give me eyes to truly see! Love your list today.

  6. Beautiful winter photos, Elizabeth!

    As I so often do, I read your list of thanksgiving and nodded my head in agreement time and time again.

    This week, this one particularly spoke to me:

    "Seeing God working out His plans and purposes in our children’s lives"

  7. Absolutely breathtaking. I'm so thankful I have found your blog through 1000 gifts. I started the journey of writing the blessings today. Love your heart of thanks. Blessings.

  8. This is anointed! Beautiful in every respect--!!

  9. This is anointed! Beautiful in every respect--!!


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