
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Big love…



I can feel my heart strings stretching clear across the country as we fly home.

It hurts, leaving them.

My daughter, son-in-law, oldest granddaughter, only grandson in South Carolina.

My youngest daughter in Missouri.

It was so good to spend time with all of them,

not just good, wonderful.



My heart has strings here too, and I feel them pulling when I’m away.

Oldest daughter, son-in-law, newest granddaughter and her big sister.

Our beloved church family.

The home and life that the Hubs and I have here.

It’s the love that stretches the heart strings clear across the country so tight it hurts,

but even this is something to thank God for,

this love so big that it hurts.


I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…


-an afternoon, just me and youngest daughter

-Holy Spirit help to say no to an unnecessary purchase I wanted but didn’t need

-youngest daughter’s good, supportive friends

-time in the prayer room

-God’s faithful provision

-our church’s great group of 20 somethings

-instruments and voices raised in worship

-the truth of God’s word spoken and sung

-healing of soul wounds

-lunch with youngest daughter and her friend

-safe flight home


Gratefully yours,



  1. Welcome home, my friend! I prayed for you as you said your goodbyes - and your hellos!

  2. Welcome home! I can imagine that pull on your heart. Being away from family is so hard. Hope you had a restful time and got your tank recharged as you sat in the Prayer Room!

  3. My heartstrings ♥ you heartstrings.

  4. So glad you're home safely. I'm remembering you and praying for you.

  5. Welcome home and thank God for Skype. :)

  6. The love of God: love multiplies. Blessings to you, friend.


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