
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dangerous prayers…



Sometimes I think I’m not doing it right

Not doing enough

When it comes to prayer

So I get out my prayer notebook

The three ring binder of lists and tools

And I pray the lists

But it feels so


I pray that He breathes on those prayers

And gives them resurrection power

So I pray what’s in my heart

I pray for who comes to my mind

I pray Holy Spirit guides me

How to pray

What to pray

Who to pray for

These heart prayers

They are the ones I see visible answers to

Sometimes costly answers

When I prayed that our three little girls

Would not just receive Him as Savior

But serve Him as Lord

And be movers and shakers for His Kingdom

I didn’t know it would mean

One would plant a church in the hardest part of our city

One would be a missionary to Ghana

One would be in ministry at the International House of Prayer

And travel doing kingdom business

And I liked it better when they were all close to Mama

And when I prayed God would do whatever He needed to do

To make us the leaders He wanted us to be

I didn’t know that for ten years

He would test and try everything in our lives


And we almost didn’t make it

At least that’s what it felt like

But now, we’re in such a better place

Those heart prayers

That come from the deepest place

Without any fancy words

Sometimes no words at all

Just groanings

Those are dangerous prayers


Still following,



  1. So true and so beautiful! "Costly prayers" I can so relate. Nice to meet you Elizabeth!

  2. you said, "Those heart prayers

    That come from the deepest place

    Without any fancy words

    Sometimes no words at all

    Just groanings

    Those are dangerous prayers.."

    i say, thank you. this says it so well, elizabeth. blessings, "jAne"

  3. I love to read your "feelings and thoughts" posts. What an amazing family you have raised.

  4. Sometimes the groanings are without words, far too deeply rooted in the core of our being. It's hard to grasp them at times. Yet He knows. Do I dare to pray the costly prayers? Thank you for this beautiful post.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful words, Elizabeth. As I read them, I understood completely what you were saying.

  6. oh elizabeth... i feel led to ask: would you pray for my boys? my aiden and kasher? that they would be movers and shakers for God's kingdom? xo

  7. Mmmm... the cost of following hard, this dying of self, captured here in this poetry and I feel it, friend.

  8. Wow. This is powerful. Knee-buckling powerful.

    Awed at the power of God, in the midst of the most groan-filled prayers.

    Just wow.

  9. dangerous and necessary and in the end, so beautiful.

    love your heart, elizabeth. you're spot-on.

  10. I love your praying. I love your faith. Please pray for my son, Jack. I'm so afraid. He needs to find a purpose for his life. I'm so afraid.

  11. Wow. Dangerous but glorious, yes? I timidly prayed these prayers when my oldest were young too. Timid because I suspected my request would not be granted without cost. And I was right. Your writing gives words to a hard truth, but one that needs to be shared. Thank you. (I wrote about groanings today too.) Blessings to you.

  12. Yes! So thankful that He translates those groanings for us. Enjoyed visiting here today.

  13. I've prayed some of those dangerous prayers over the years and know exactly what you are saying. In fact, I prayed one yesterday morning and my family was tried to a great degree last night but I KNOW oh yes I know that God will get the victory. The great verse from Genesis 50:20 comes immediately to mind and also Romans 8:28-30. God is faithful. Praise be to HIM!!

  14. Oh and by the way, your place is where I come and drool---just spending time examing your still lifes and photography of them, your incredibly creative ideas that you do with almost nothing--yes, your little corner of the world beats anything on Pinterest in my book--most of all your exquisite writing--please don't ever stop!

  15. and did you know you are pinned on Pinterest........yep, it was me several weeks ago on "my favorite blogs" board!! okay, I promise this is the last one--smile--


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