
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Didn’t all the love start with Him…


He knew it was her right away

That scream that pierced the quiet darkness of the woods

We had taken the young couples in our church tent camping

After laughter and s’mores around the campfire

We were finally all asleep in our tents

When a woman’s terrified scream woke us all up

The men all scrambled to get their shoes on, running to help her

It was the cry of someone in danger, someone being hurt

My Hubs almost ripped the tent apart getting out

And I sat there with heart pounding, disoriented

Not even quite sure which direction the scream had come from

But Daddy knew, He knew it was his girl, our daughter

And he ran right to her tent

It was a nightmare, night terror

Her husband was trying to wake her up, to comfort her

When the Hubs came back to our tent, we just lay there

Not able to block out the memory of what her terrified scream sounded like

Me, I couldn’t believe he knew it was her

Grown up and gone from our house for several years

But Daddy knew it was his girl

Me, I’m close and familiar with Jesus

Even Holy Spirit, because I know He lives in me

But Father, Daddy, Abba was invisible

A Foggy Mystery, a Loving Stranger

Like my own Daddy, in the years we grew apart after he left us

But lately, there’s a longing in my heart to know Him

Father God, the One Who loved me so much He gave

He gave His Only Son

So didn’t all the love start with Him

Didn’t all the love start with Daddy, with Abba

And out of all the billions of people living and that have ever lived

Doesn’t He know my scream, my cries

And doesn’t He run to rescue me

And won’t I always be His little girl no matter how old I am

I don’t want Him to just be a Foggy Mystery, a Loving Stranger

I want to know my Father

so I’m following the love back to the Source


Still following,



  1. smiles...yes he will always recognize your voice...and you will always be his girls...and there is def something strong in looking to him as a father...

  2. This is beautiful. No matter how long we've been away or where we've been, He knows our voices, runs to our rescue. What hope and assurance in these words!

    Visiting from Emily's place - glad I found you!

    Deidra -

  3. Oh how I love this.......He knows

  4. Thank you for reminding me how much he loves me. He knows my voice and recognizes my screams for help. I've been screaming of late.

  5. I love this analogy. Our Father truly does know His child's voice. And your words have reminded my heart of that reality. Thanks for comforting me today! Beautiful post!

  6. wow. right on target! thank you!

  7. The loving Father knows our desires, our voice, our cries, our screams and our whispers. Thank you for this, Elizabeth.

  8. I was reminded of that chorus, He Knows My Name, I have a Father, He calls me by name..... If you are not familiar with this one e-mail me and I will send you the lyrics.

  9. oh wow. so well told. and yes, i want to know him this way, too friend. love to you. xo

  10. Oh, this is just wonderful. You have brought something that is sometimes hard to put into words, into words. What a beautiful thought to start the day with, thank you for sharing the thoughts that God has so lovingly gifted you with.


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