
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Friday’s Favs…Contentment


After years of parsonage living I dreamed about and prayed for a home of our own.

Thirteen years ago God made a way for us to buy this home.

Nothing fancy or extravagant,

just a 1400 square foot, builder grade home.

I was so happy,

but not many years later I started to dream about and pray about something bigger,

something a little more like the dream home I imagined in my mind.

Blogging and Pinterest can really feed that discontent, seeing so many lovely homes, furniture and décor.

Lately, however,

I’ve put those dreams on the shelf,

left those prayers in God’s hands,

and breathed a deep sigh of contentment and gratitude

for the wee little nest God has given me.


Fresh rosemary grows nestled in an old crock on the bench in our entry.

An antique butter churn sits next to the bench.



My old wooden tool caddy holds a wintery mix of pinecones and seed pods.

It sits on my easy, no sew homemade burlap table runner.



The dining room wall has a chalkboard with my “theme verse” for this year written on it.


A little cloche holds a bird nest my grandson found for me.

The nest flew home from South Carolina in my suitcase and now holds a little Dollar Tree Bird.


A cute wooden caddy perched on top of the dish cabinet holds dishes and vintage treasures.


Wire baskets hang in a handy spot to be used to hold muffins or bread at the dinner table.



A little corner of the kitchen countertop holds some of my favorite things.



Happy, Happy Friday Everyone and Have a Blessed Weekend!


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  1. Your 1400 sq ft cottage is so lovely. I would trade my house with yours in a minute. I long for small. :)

  2. You have a lovely home , and you know better that home is where the heart is ...
    Love your dining room and especially this charming cloche with the white bird ...pure joy ! Thank you for sharing . Give your wonderful daughter in Ghana my best regards !

  3. Me, too -- what happygirl said. (Our house isn't all that big, but I am ready for smaller.) Contentment - as I'm sure you've heard and know - is not having what you like but liking what you have.

  4. You have created a warm, charming home, a haven for your family. I'm sure you and your home are a blessing to all those who enter.
    Your newest follower, Mary Alice

  5. I waited fifteen years for my big house! It's not finished and we've been here five years. Since the tornadoes, I've been transformed by the Lord as to what is really important in life. We were very fortunate that our house was spared. I love my home, even unfinished. But, I now would like a simple, smaller home, maybe in the country or even in the suburbs. Godliness with contentment is great gain. 1 Tim. 6:6 That is where I want to be! Blessings from Bama!

  6. Look at all your pretty touches! What a cozy place you've created for you and your family. I'm with some of the other commenters, I'd much rather have a smaller house.


  7. What a beautiful display. I especially love the little bird in the nest.

  8. Love your countertop display :)
    ... very pretty!

    Greetings from Australia♥

  9. I love it when God fills our hearts with contentment to be right where we are! Loved seeing bits and pieces of your home, my friend.

  10. We tried to move from this house (not because of the house but because of location) for 9 years, but God would not allow the move. When I finally decided that I was here to stay, I found a whole new contentment. It still needs a lot of updating, but it's ours.

    Interestingly, YOURS is on of the ones in my corner of blog land that I like the most. I am always seeing some little thing on here that I try to copy. It never looks quite as good as yours.

  11. Love the way you have filled your cozy nest with beautiful treasures. You can tell it was done with love!

  12. Oh your house looks perfect! I love all of your photos :) Glad to find you via French Country Cottage!

  13. Contentment can be difficult sometimes. We live in a world that encourages the desire for more, more, more. But, focus on the beauty of simple things, dwelling in gratitude on the small gifts, helps keep the ways of the world at bay. I love the small touches in your home that beckon one to sit and enjoy for a while. Beautiful blog, Elizabeth!

  14. Your nest looks perfect to me!! It is beautiful!


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