
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gratitude….starting 2012 with thanksgiving

I think it’s the first time the Hubs and I have been apart when we welcomed in a New Year in our 35 years of marriage.

He flew home early New Year’s Eve from our daughter’s in South Carolina

in order to be home for church on New Year’s Day.

I stayed and partied in the New Year with the grandkids.

We played some games…


Ate some snacks…



Danced along with Fred Astaire…


and welcomed in 2012 by going out onto the front porch with the grandkids at midnight and yelling out,


while banging on some pots and pans.

Tomorrow I leave South Carolina and fly to Kansas City, Missouri,

(I get to see my youngest daughter! Smile),

where the Hubs and some of the worship team from our church will meet up with me.

We will be starting the New Year by spending a few days at the International House of Prayer,

sitting in God’s presence,

seeking His face,

listening for His voice.

So things here on my blog will be quiet for a few days…

In the meanwhile,

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…


-walks around the lake



-the way, (though he’s a big boy, 7 years old), my grandson still holds my hand on our walks

-my granddaughter’s infectious, bubbly laugh

-hawks soaring overhead


-feeding the geese and ducks




-climbing trees, finding bird nests



-playing Uno and Skip-Bo

-reading books

-grandkids sneaking into our bed at night

-welcoming 2012 with my daughter and grandkids

-all of us sitting in the living room, New Year’s Day morning, Bibles and journals open, having our devotions



Still following,



  1. What a wonderful way to spend New Year's Eve! We had a quiet evening alone at home. After watching a funny movie we spent time reflecting over the past year - the highlights for each of us and God's Faithfulness in the sunshine and shadow - and looking forward to our hopes, dreams and goals for the new year ahead.

  2. Can't wait to hear what God is telling you to share with us this year! Sounds like you got the New Year started right, spending time with family. Blessings from Bama!

  3. the dancing photo pretty much turns me into a puddle. love.

    i hope this year is rich with growth and grace. you are such an encouragement.

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely--and may I say, delightful! :) I know you have enjoyed your trip and I pray that your time with the Lord is especially sweet.

  5. I want so badly to go spend some time at IHOP. We had a couple of live sets that evening and then I rang in the New Year with hubby and the kids here at home. Praying you had a wonderful time.


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