Saturday, January 14, 2012

Isaiah 58:11…


Isn’t this an amazing promise?

It is all too easy to want the promise and not pay any attention to the rest of the chapter.

Isaiah 58 is all about fasting…

God’s kind of fasting…

which is a whole lot less about giving up food,

and a whole lot more about fasting selfish and self-righteous attitudes and actions towards others.

It’s not that hard to give up a meal,

but it’s a lot harder to lay down my life to help someone else gain freedom,

or to meet the needs of the poor by personally getting involved,

or to quit pointing fingers and speaking against others.

I suggest reading Isaiah 58 in the Amplified Bible…

it’s pretty convicting.


Still following,


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  1. The photo is just phenomenal and the verse adds so much to it.

  2. Your photo is amazing! I love the water droplets; He does indeed refresh us!

  3. Such a simple and beautiful image. Thanks for the food for thought. Laying down my life.

  4. Lovely! I am thankful for His continuous guidance!

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I really like your photo as well and the verse. This verse has comforted so much in the past.



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