
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just checkin’ in…

I’m a homebody.

I’m having a wonderful time, but I miss home.

I’m ready to be in my little nest.


This week we’re staying in a large three bedroom apartment owned by International House of Prayer, Kansas City.

We is the Hubs and I and 7 members of our worship team.

Right now I’m waiting for my turn in the bathroom.

The Hubs got up before everyone else and is at the coffee shop with our youngest daughter who is part time staff here at I.H.O.P.

It’s been great to have some time with her, and to see her in her element, ministering to others, here.


Yesterday, every member of our team, including the Hubs and I had an appointment for Sozo.

Sozo is a prayer ministry of forgiveness and inner healing.

They have an amazing team here of people trained in this ministry.

God really touched all of us, me included.

I tend to stuff down stress, anger and negative emotions in general,

and hide behind an image of strength and having it all together.

Me feeling I have to be the strong one goes way, way back into my childhood.

That is one of the big areas that we dealt with in Sozo.


I have no idea why I’m telling you this.

Except to say I don’t have it all together,

and that’s o.k.

That’s being real…

hence the title of my blog.

In other areas of realness,

I need to go home for other reasons…

…so, I can put all the Christmas décor away and get my house back to “normal”

…so I can see youngest granddaughter and smell her fuzzy little head

…and her big sister, little Miss Blondie

…so I can detox my body from holiday eating, eating out, and general out of control eating that happens when traveling

…so I can get back to regular exercising,

(my friend wants me to run a half-marathon with her in May, I have to decide about that)

…so I can be back with my church family on Sunday.  I miss them.

How are you all settling in to this New Year?

(Oh, I forgot to tell you that for Christmas the Hubs got me a new Nikon 35mm prime lens for my camera.

LOVE it.

Hence the photos. 
That’s my word for the day, hence. Smile)


Still following,



  1. Elizabeth,
    I am a homebody too. I was away last week, but thinking wistfully of home, even in the midst of our anniversary celebration!
    We will take down the Christmas decorations this weekend....
    Happy New Year!

  2. I love being home, too. I had 10 days off of work for a winter break and I loved it. Now I'm back at work and, well let's just say, I don't love it. :)

  3. Your word for the day reminded me of reading the book "The Outsiders" aloud with my 7th graders--after reading a particular paragraph in which the word "hence" was used, I asked the class who that paragraph was referring to and of course the answer was

    "Hence"--that is not a familiar word for a lot of 7th graders but they knew it after that--ha ha

    Love this post and your transparency--

    Elizabeth, I cannot believe how much you have grown in your photography skills in the last year--maybe more than a year by now--you are getting better and better--God is enhancing your gift. Keep up the good work. It brings me great joy to come here to your blog and just soak in all the visual beauty, not to mention the great writing.

    I am a homebody too so I understand completely this post.

    Happy new year, dear friend.

  4. Just wanted to say thank you again for your support and excitement about the magazine! I am just so touched by everyone's reaction. Happy New Year to you!
    the Parisienne Farmgirl's Giveaway Fantastique
    Parisienne Farmgirl Magazine

  5. I'm a homebody too. I feel all ferhoodled when I'm away too long or out of my comfort zone.

    I do envy what you describe, though. Even with my anxieties (or because of them?) I would love to squirrel away with other believers on a retreat right about now.

  6. So glad you got time with the SOZO team. A very good friend of mine heads up a healing ministry there. If you see "Dawn" tell her hi from me. I hope to go to the children's conference in March!

  7. I've missed you, my friend. We need to plan time together again when you catch up a bit! I'm becoming more of a homebody every day. So happy about your new lens.


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