
Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Word for 2012 is…


My word for 2012 is DELIGHT!

Psalm 37:4 I will DELIGHT in the Lord...

Psalm 119:16 I will DELIGHT in His precepts...

Psalm 37:23 He DELIGHTS in me and watches my every step... 

2012 is going to be a DELIGHT-FULL year!

Still following,


The Lettered Cottage


  1. Such a great word for 2012! Blessings and Happy New Year! ~ jen

  2. I LOVE it, Elizabeth. Mine for 2012 is none other than FAITH. After 25 years (well, actually He's always been on this journey with me so it's way more than 25) on this journey with Christ, along comes faith yet again. We do go from faith to faith so I "delight." :)
    I've updated my blog, fresh look, new URL (used to be One Heart at Home). Hope you stop by and say hello.
    Thank you for sharing your new year's word.

  3. I LIKE your word! I pray for all its realities to bloom in, out, around, and through you.

  4. What a wonderful word for 2012! Looking forward to seeing and hearing the delights He brings your way!

    God gave me verse for this year which seemed strange at first to me then I realized He is wanting to work in this "doing" mentality that I struggle with. I look forward to seeing Him work- he has a tough job in this gal-so glad for his patience!

    Happy New Year!

  5. Great word! I haven't revealed mine yet. Tomorrow. I think! He's doing something new in our hearts and we don't know what it is - but He doesn't ask us to know. He just asks us to DELIGHT in Him and follow where He leads!

  6. I am curious to know where that castle is or what it is?


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