
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A touch of romance…

My tastes in home décor definitely lean more towards rustic, homespun, farmhouse than to lacy, frilly, Victorian.

Likewise, my taste in clothes has never been too lacy or frilly. 

I lean more towards classic styles with a little country edge now and then.

Maybe it’s the time of year, but when it came time for me to do some long neglected clothes shopping,

I found myself craving creamy, flowy, lacy tops to wear over dress pants or jeans.






Similarly, when it came time to add a touch of Valentine’s to my décor,

I craved something softer and more subtle this year as well.


Soft, blush colored roses add a touch of romance.

(Gotta love Trader Joe’s and their 4.99 flowers!)



Of course I have some rustic touches too.




Felt hearts that I stuffed with a little cotton and stitched simply together with baker’s twine

hang from a branch over my shabby, gray window.



A larger felt heart embroidered with baker’s twine hangs on my drying rack photo gallery.



I’m feeling ready for Valentine’s Day…are you?




Remember to leave a comment on this post to enter my giveaway for some great scrapbooking software!

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  1. Beautiful photos! I too love the farmhouse and rustic look, but love to mix in tons of cream, white wash wood, etc. I love your sweet little felt hearts! Your Duck is adorable. Love it all! xo

  2. This is truly one of the most brilliant ideas of seen. A piece of limb, a couple of nails or screws and some stuffed hearts. Adorable. You do this all year or for any hanging decor. I love it.

    GIVEAWAY at my place if you would like to enter. Hugs and I look forward to following along with you in the future.

  3. oh such sweet valentines...
    I follow Jesus too!
    Your mantle is wonderful ...the soft greys & whites!

  4. No! I'm not ready for Valentines! Where did January go??? I love your beautiful vignette - all the pieces work together perfectly. And the little felt hearts are just precious - love the red and white twine stitching! I think I can do those and bring a touch of "romance" to our home. As always, I leave feeling so refreshed and peaceful after visiting your blog, Elizabeth.

  5. I keep thinking I need to do something for Valentine's but then I forget about it. I guess I need to go ahead and get to it. Love the roses.

  6. The hearts are such a sweet touch. I wish I lived closer to a TJs. :)

  7. The blouse is absolutely beautiful. I love your little serene vignette... "Just enough."

    Can't believe Valentine's is two weeks away!

  8. I like the lacy top, I would like to see what it looks like on and how to wear it. Maybe you can model it in the different ways to wear it.

  9. So pretty! Love the romantic touches with the rustic...beautiful blend!!

  10. Very pretty mantel, Elizabeth! I also like the touches of rustic and your Valentine decor. The lace blouse is so pretty and feminine.

  11. Love your mantel! I really like how you put the key on the pitcher of flowers, I'm going to have to try that one! Love your blog, I'm your newest follower from FNF.



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