I refuse to use the F word
If people ask me what my biggest fear is
I politely refuse to speak it out
Because I believe that satan and every demon in hell
Perks up their ears and does the happy dance when we use these two little words
“I’m afraid”
Fear is to him what faith is to God
My daughter, son-in-law, and two oldest grandchildren leave in three weeks for Ghana
This time it’s not just for a few weeks, not just for a couple of months,
It’s long term
Shortly after they get there, my husband has been asked to come to Ghana as well, to speak at a conference
He’s been to Africa before
And it’s only for a couple of weeks
I’m fine with him going
BUT they want me to come too
Perhaps to share with the women there
Here’s where that dirty word comes in
I don’t know why this makes me so uncomfortable, but it does
Maybe because I’m such a homebody
Maybe because I don’t want to see the reality of the life my daughter has chosen
I can’t put my finger on it
On why I feel that dirty word trying to take root in my heart
I know it’s not about the people
I already love the people
I sob, ugly cry, whenever my daughter shows the videos of the people
Maybe that’s what is gripping my heart
Maybe I’m afraid I’ll love it
That it will change me
Here’s the verse God reminded me of yesterday as I wrestled with all of this…
“It is the Lord Who goes before you; He will march with you;
He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you;
let there be no cowardice or flinching, but fear not,
neither become broken in spirit--depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 Amplified Bible
So I’m fasting from the F word
I’m denying self and what’s comfortable
I’m going to Africa
Pray for me, friends
Pray for my husband
Pray for my daughter, grandbabies, son-in-law
But most of all, pray for Ghana
Pray for the continent of Africa
Still following,
If you are interested in learning more about my daughter and son-in-law’s ministry here is the link:
Perhaps God is even asking someone out there to give.