
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friday’s Favs…just a little bit of this and that

Valentine’s Day is over so I put all the little Valentine touches away.

I haven’t made any big changes,

done any big makeovers,

or made any purchases.

I’ve just added a few little hints here and there that spring is on the way,

and taken some other photos of this and that to share with you.


I made a few simple changes on the mantel.

A bird’s nest holding a colored egg is perched under a cloche.


My Mama’s old, colorful, wooden spools of thread fill an apothecary jar.


The vintage trunk that serves as our coffee table holds a couple décor books and some of my favorite magazines.

(I love Where Women Cook!  It’s a wonderful magazine of lovely kitchen décor and yummy recipes.)

A little wooden caddy holds a vintage hymnal and an old children’s Bible story book.




I removed the vintage Valentines from the drying rack photo display

and added some old hymn pages.



An old postcard of Mama’s hometown in Maine is held on the old drying rack with a clothes pin…


…along with photos of my Mama…isn’t she pretty?…


…and a photo of my handsome Daddy with me and my little brother enjoying sledding on Mt. Hood…


…and here’s yours truly!


On the dining table, my white wooden box traded places with my dark wooden tool caddy.

French lemonade bottles are lined up inside.



Lastly, I realized I’ve never showed you the treasures that top the kitchen cabinets…

vintage Franciscan ware…


…aqua colored canning jars mingled with a few apple shaped collectibles,

(the few I kept after I purged the house of most of the apple stuff following the “apple themed kitchen” phase)…


…Watts pottery and Mason Cash mixing bowls.


Well, that’s all I’ve got for you today.

It’s almost Friday!

Happy, Happy Friday and Have a Blessed Weekend,


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  1. Very springy! I love your mother's old spools of thread - who would have ever thought you could find beauty in such a simple thing. Well done!

  2. Dear Elizabeth,
    So happy to have found your lovely blog! I have my Mom's Apple Franciscanware...I almost purged it, but am really glad, now, that I didn't...♥
    Nice to "meet" you!

  3. fabulous post .. I just loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your blog .. fabulous .. hugz to you x

  4. Every time I come here you share more beauty from your home. And, yeah, you come from good looking parents. :)

  5. the spools of thread! i think i am in love. and oh my yes, your mama is gorgeous. i have similar black&whites of my mama as a young lady, and i just want to squeeze the her in that photo for all the fresh hope in her face. (don't you sometimes wish you could time travel, just to get to know your mom as a young gal?)

    beautiful home. beautiful post.

  6. So inspiring, how you surround yourself with the things you love and sweet images and memories. Blessings, T

  7. Your touches of a hint of spring are so inspiring. Love the colored spools of thread in the apothecary jar!
    Mary Alice

  8. Just beautiful, Elizabeth.

    I love those old photos and your mom and dad were so pretty and handsome--

    I just love how your posts make me feel when I visit here--all warm and cozy and secure--I bet your husband is one happy man when he walks into this faith-filled abode.

    Thank you for blessing all of us in such a humble and genuine way.

  9. Hi,
    I am another Elizabeth,just found your blog and I love it!

  10. Hi Elizabeth,
    I like the 'hints of spring' you have displayed. So Pretty!!
    We're heading for Autumn down here.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  11. you have a sweet touch with your it...very inviting...have a great weekend...

  12. This is my first time visiting and I'm so glad I dropped by! I have a few old sewing items, including spools of thread, that belonged to my grandmother. Your apothecary jar full of spools inspired me to pull all of my grandmother's items out and display them. I love how they look sitting on top of her sewing machine. Thank you so much for the wonderful idea!

  13. Beautiful touches to welcome spring!
    Love the old photos!!

  14. What pretty bits of spring. Of course, I'm partial to all those spools of thread...what nice colors. I love the old photos too :)


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