
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Highs and lows…

Sometimes being in the ministry is like riding the world’s craziest roller coaster.

It’s full of highs and lows.

This has been one of those weeks.

(I think I have pastor’s wife whiplash.)

From the lows of a beloved member receiving a terminal diagnosis,

and walking with others who are going through a time of deep personal crisis,

to the highs of celebrating the one year anniversary of our church’s church plant,

(my son-in-law and daughter’s church),

and our sweet youngest granddaughter’s baby dedication.

But God is good all the time,

and there is much to thank Him for,

in the highs and even in the lows.






I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…


3 gifts found outside

-blue sky, cold breezes

-the neighbor all bundled up and weeding her flowerbed

-signs that spring is on the way



3 gifts red

-my café au lait bowl


-granddaughter’s rosy cheeks

-an apple shared

a gift broken

-front door knob broke off (!) when granddaughter and I came back from an outing together,

but thank God I had accidently left another door unlocked

a gift fixed

-new door knob bought and put in by the Hubs

a gift thrifted

-sweet little Goodwill custard cup with hyacinth blooming inside


3 gifts that were surprises-unexpected grace!

-fresh blueberry pancakes made by the Hubs

-discovering a fun, new place to go for lunch

-“The Way”, a movie we happened upon On Demand that we really enjoyed

3 times you heard laughter today

-silly granddaughter

-talking to my daughter in Missouri about silly granddaughter

-laughing about myself with a blog friend

3 gifts found in working

-a tidied up pantry

-a stack of freshly ironed napkins and placemats

-the smell of Murphy’s oil soap after the wood floor is mopped

3 hard eucharisteos

-visiting the dear one with cancer

-two prodigal spiritual daughters in my thoughts and prayers today

-my oldest sister’s birthday today, (she’s been in heaven three years now)


Gratefully yours,



  1. It's been a full week for you, as I guess is often the case. Love the photo of the bulbs poking through the ground and the hyacinth in the tea cup delightful.

  2. A lovely list even with the hard eucharisteos, Elizabeth.

  3. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be a pastor's wife sometimes. I can relate to the highs and lows today too. But you are right, God is good all the time. He doesn't change. I love what Job said, "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” Sweet pictures of your granddaughters. :)

  4. Oh...the highs and lows...learning to count them all...beautiful list...just adorable grandlove you have...
    Blessings to you...may your neck find some rest and comfort:)

  5. Ministry is high and low and so many times all at the same time! Thanks for stopping by today and leaving sweet words!


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