
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hobnail milk glass…

After Mama died, us kids packed up the few things remaining in her little apartment at the

assisted living center, deciding what to keep and what to give to the Goodwill.


This little hobnail milk glass, egg shaped vase used to sit on Mama’s bathroom counter holding her makeup.

We put it in the Goodwill box, but then I couldn’t do it.

I brought it home with me and it sat in a box in a closet with a few other things of Mama’s

that I just couldn’t throw out, including a white glass bud vase.


Last week, on one of my “run into the Goodwill for half an hour on my way to somewhere else” stops,

the first thing I spied was a pair of hobnail milk glass candle holders.


I thought of Mama’s vases, of a white doily crocheted by my mother-in-law, and this little arrangement was born.


I love the sweet and delicate look of the milk glass and doily contrasted with the old zinc pan.


And I’m beginning to love hobnail milk glass, which probably isn’t a good thing,

because the last thing this girl needs is another thing to collect! Smile





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  1. What a sweet vignette. A lovely memory from your Mom.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Mary Alice

  2. How special to have your mom's vases. The white milk glass looks so pretty with the pink flowers. The tray is a nice compliment too. :)

  3. I inherited a few pieces of hobnail milk glass from my MIL and I love it--

    Your photography--astounding!!

  4. So pretty and a good memory that it was your Mothers

  5. I love hobnail glass! Perfect arrangement!

  6. Oh-oh! You're in trouble now, girlfriend! Another collection - not a bad thing, maybe. I love the way you've put your special things together.

  7. So pretty--and such a nice reminder of your mama.


  8. Absolutely lovely! I love the little vignette - the touch of pink makes the glass even prettier! I just bought an antique light fixture with hobnail milk glass shades. You've inspired me to get started on its restoration. Thanks!

  9. What a sweet way to remember your mama! I love hobnail glass and I love pink flowers. Thank you for sharing with us.

  10. Hi, Elizabeth. What a sweet story/post. I, too, am beginning to like milk glass and just recently have acquired some pieces at auction. I'm not nuts about it, but I do want some pieces, and when I see yours I like it a lot, because you made a beautiful vignette with it. I now also want to know how to tell if it's old milk glass. Do you know? I'm following you now; I hope you'll visit and follow back if you'd like.

  11. That is so pretty. I, too, love the contrast. I have a weakness for hobnail too! So glad I found your darling blog while over at the Feathered Nest party!! New follower :)
    Kristen @ Titus 2 Work in Progress

  12. Oh, I'm new to your blog but sure to be back. I too have hob nail milk glass in my current post. I'd love to have you come and join Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  13. I find milk glass very appealing. Yours is all beautiful, especially your mother's piece. I've read your posts on Ghana. You have raised an amazing family.


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