
Monday, February 27, 2012

Just because…a giveaway!

just because you are the best followers/readers…


just because you’ve been nothing but kind and encouraging…


just because you’ve stepped up and prayed when I’ve asked you to…


just because blog friends can be real friends…


just because “you get me”…


just because it’s fun to share…


just because you’re special…


just because you’re you…


just because…

I’m having a giveaway of the above items:

-one cute basket to hang somewhere special

-one cute hanging preserves jar

-two sweet café au lait bowls

-4 vintage English ironstone saucers

-one seashell topped bottle (made by yours truly)

-one homespun tea towel

You can win the whole shebang!

Here’s what you need to do:

-become a follower if you haven’t already

-then just leave a comment telling me one random fact about yourself

Winner will be drawn two weeks from today.


I hope YOU win!



  1. What a wonderful giveaway. Your blog is one of the best; thank you for sharing.

    One thing about me? I am a child of our King and saved by His grace. I'll be looking you up when we all get to Heaven.

  2. Oh Elizabeth,
    How lovely, absolutely lovely!!! Reminds me of your warm, quaint, and inviting home!! I love you decor!!! Simple touches of A Home of Love!!! Would love to drop in for a cup of coffee!!!!

    One thing about me....I a a Princess of the King and enjoying the sweetness of walking in His Grace and the reassurance of His Love!

    Your Blog continuously encourages and inspires me in my Walk!

    :) Sharon

  3. Awww...such a sweet giveaway :)

    One random fact about me- When you see me talking to myself in the car I am really praying for you! I always pray when I am in my car! About what? For people who stop next to me at a red light, for my family, for the ambulance that just passed me, or just singing praises to my wonderful Father!

  4. I enjoy hearing from your transparent heart through the words on your blog. I am journeying through Lent for the first time this year and am inspired by the experience. I love your style as is brought into view on Pinterest. I think we are kindred spirits.

  5. Sweet, sweet stuff to giveaway, Elizabeth!
    I was a child bride ;) Thirty-one years and counting.

  6. Beautiful giveaway....beautiful blog!
    I love to sing worship music...anywhere and everywhere and sometimes way too loud but it comes straight from the heart and I just can't help it.

  7. I just found your blog through Katie's photo challenge, and it's one I will be following ... as well as on Pinterest! So many great categories in your list here! :)

    This give-a-way is such a sweet idea, and such beautiful gifts, Elizabeth!! I've seen these give-a-ways before, but never have I entered. Well, there's a first time for everything, so here goes ... let's see, one random fact about me ... well, I'm a collector of 'old' Bibles. My husband has a jail ministry, and a dear friend of ours finds all sorts of them for us to go through in order to pick out what would be allowed for him to take to the inmates ... no hardbacks, leather, or zippered copies are permitted. I've come across a few very old ones that I just couldn't part with, and that's when it all started. Tucked away in one of them was a letter, along with a photo from a loved one who had been away at war, a hand stitched bookmark, along with a 4-leaf clover and a dried flower pressed in between the pages. Many of their inside covers and margins are written in. I love reading and getting to know a bit about the people who apparently cherished the Word, and lived by it daily. They are together with my mother's first Bible, all of which I dearly treasure! I had taken a photo of a few of them and posted about it when I first started back in Nov. of 2010. Seems like just yesterday!! Well, that was one l-o-n-g random fact!! I'm looking forward to exploring more of your site here, soon! You have a blessed week!

  8. Hi, friend! These are so very lovely.
    One random fact that explains how I know God has a sense of humor: I am the least athletic person on earth, so God brought me the perfect man...a coach! HA! Now I can cheer with the best of them.

  9. Lovely giveaway and lovely blog. Thank you. We are WWII history buffs since both my father and my hubby's father served in the Navy in WWII. The more you learn, the more you realize how much they sacrificed for our nation.

  10. Thanks for the beautiful giveaway, Elizabeth. A random fact about me is that I live in San Diego County in Southern CA and I have over 8 inches of snow on my back porch this morning. Oh, and I visited Camas Antiques this summer when I visited Portland--thanks to you and your blog. :-)


  11. What a sweet give-away! It would be such fun to win.
    Random fact: My father (and his sister) graduated from Moody Bible Institute; so did I; and so did all three of our children!

  12. Great giveaway, so sweet of you! A random fact about me would be that I really usually go by the name of Mabel. Marie is my legal name. I was named after a Canadian missionary who rescued my family out of a dictator ruled island who persecuted Christians like my family. Because of her, I had the privilege to have been born in the land of the free and the home of the brave!!!

    Thanks for the opportunity at the giveaway!


    Marie (Mabel) :-)

  13. What lovely items to give away!! A random fact about myself--my Dad was a minister who got saved in the middle of a alfalfa field in California. The church I attend Rivers of Life in Duncan OK--my sister and her husband are the ministers! I thank God for ministers but am even more grateful He did not call me to be one. I'm a minister in the market place which suits me just fine!!

  14. So many TREATS in your giveaway. I'm delighted to have found your blog which I have bookmarked so I don't miss a posting. One random fact about me is that I was born and enjoyed my younger years in Haiti. As my parents were missionaries, we lived there until I was 10, and they were some of the best years of my life.
    Mary Alice

  15. How cute...hope I win! I'm actually doing a giveaway at my blog too! It ends tonight, so hurry over if you would like to enter :) Something about myself? Hmmm...I'm pregnant! and I have two sweet girls already - one whose name is Elizabeth too :)

  16. I'm new to your blog but loving it. I just became a Follower. I love dishes!!! Come visit my blog - and you'll see.

    - The Tablescaper

  17. This is my first time visiting your blog, Elizabeth. I am now following. Your giveaway gifts are very nice. Something random about myself? I live in a renovated 1926 cabin in the Colorado Rockies with my artist husband. We love Jesus.:) I have a new blog @ and I'm doing a giveaway, too. A print of my husband's artwork. Hope you can stop by and enter. God bless.

  18. Elizabeth,

    God bless you! And thank you for standing for Israel. A random fact about myself: my great-grandfather's last name is Kogan, which transliterates as Cohen, and if you go waaay up, originates from Aaron, Moses' brother :) I was tickled pink when I traced my genealogy that far.
    God bless you as you go to Africa and share Jesus there.
    Elena V

  19. Wow... what a wonderful giveaway!! I thought I was following you, but I guess I wasn't. Followed now! :) Hmm... random fact... I was born on a 'friday the 13th'. :)

  20. Found you through fresh brewed sundays. Lovely blog! Random fact is My sister and I had a double wedding. I live in the Philippines so I really don't mind if you don't include me in the drawing! Patsy

  21. Thanks for the giveaway! So many lovely things! Fact about me? I would never sing aloud in front of others, but when I am by myself I sing ALL the time! Very loudly!!

  22. That's a lovely giveaway!! I love your thoughts on your blog, so creative and inspiring, thanks for sharing with your followers.
    Fact about me, I am a very happy twin! I have a sister who lives in Guatemala, where we were born, and we are so close to each other! There's no day that passes by without thinking about my beautiful sister!! I love her so much, we have never fought :)

  23. What a lovely giveaway and I am pleased to become a follower of your blog.

    Random fact..........ok I MUST brush my teeth in the morning BEFORE my coffee. I know that sounds weird, but thats me!


  24. I've been "following" for a few months, but never officially joined. I "accidentally" found your site when I visited "The Cozy Little Kitchen." I love your heart, your honesty and simplicity both in decorating and sharing. I'm a retired high school English teacher, living in an old log cabin on a lake, enjoying lots of beauty and serenity, learning how to live more simply and love Him more deeply. Haven't quite found my space yet . . . going from lots of teaching both at work and church, service, music, speaking . . . to a new church, new home, new freedom. I think I'm hiding out. Thanks for inspiring me to be deliberately thankful.

  25. What lovely items! I love your blog. I feel as if I am a kindred spirit. One random fact about me is that I eat popcorn every night, without fail! Have a blessed week!


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