Little felt hearts stitched together with baker’s twine are tucked here and there around the house.
A simple little banner made with twine, wrapping paper and stenciled letters hangs from the shelf over the couch.
Vintage valentines hang from my drying rack photo gallery.
Only a week until Valentine’s day!
Do you have any special plans with the one you love?
This year, the Hubs and I are staying home and watching our newest little granddaughter
so her mama and daddy can have a little getaway.
The other Papa and Nana are watching older sister, (who turns 3 the day after Valentine’s Day!).
Evidently, Mama and Daddy think us grandparents will have it easier if we use
the old “divide and conquer” strategy.
Still following,
Click over to this post to enter my giveaway for free My Memories scrapbooking software!

Your Valentine touches are just perfect. They all say, "Elizabeth". Love them.
ReplyDeleteOur plans? Well, the husband is going to stay in town until Tuesday, which is rare. I would have traveled with him, but he is traveling with the boss on Wednesday I don't know what we'll do yet.
Laughed at divide and conquer.
And I loved those pink marshmallows in the previous post. Oh, wouldn't my little girls have loved them when they were little girls in reality and not just in my heart.
No plans for Valentine's Day. My hubby and I regive the same card to each other over and over. Our love hasn't changed, either. :)