I’ve said it before, but I think it’s worth repeating.
Satan wants to accuse God to us, to get us offended at God.
He wants to cause us to doubt God’s goodness and His love.
When we are in the midst of trial, and testing, when we face adverse circumstances,
the enemy pours it on thick, saying things like:
“Why would God allow this?”
“God must not love you.”
“You can’t really count on God.”
If there’s only one piece of advice I could give you,
the key, I believe, to enduring difficulty,
is to saturate yourself in the truth of God’s love for you.
Fill your heart and mind so full of what He says in His Word about His love for you,
that you become unshakeable in your confidence in Him and His love.
Your become firmly rooted and planted in His love.
You realize that all that He does is from a heart motivated by love.
You know with assurance that He is good and He does good.
When I was a young mama I went through my Bible and marked with a red heart every verse that talked about God’s love for me.
When hard times came, I had truth to turn to, so that the enemy couldn’t use circumstances to shake my faith.
God is good, He has good things to give you,
it’s satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Still following,

Good advice, Elizabeth. Praying as you count down.
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. I know with the recent trials I've had, that Satan would like me to think God has deserted me, but I know God is good and He is always with me. As always, I remain in the plam of His mighty hand. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. I know with the recent trials I've had, that Satan would like me to think God has deserted me, but I know God is good and He is always with me. As always, I remain in the plam of His mighty hand. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeletePowerful--and a spot-on synopsis of our Ladies' Gathering theme in a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteAmen Elizabeth and I like your idea of highlighting those verses. We need His words to override our own and the ones from the father of lies. Have a great day.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. Maybe you could pass on a few of those love passages in your blog from time to time. In the meantime I will try to start finding some and noting them with a heart for my reminders. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis is something I need to post on my bulletin board at work as a reminder that God never fails in any area of my but I fail when I listen to the jerk's lies! Thank you for this blog I needed it today! You are such a blessing and you will be a blessing for those you minister to in Africa!
ReplyDeleteIt's so important to hide the truth of God in our hearts, but being continually in His Word!
ReplyDeleteSame lesson I was teaching to my daughter on Friday night, Shabbat, about letting satan take control of our lives and how she needs to shout to him, NO, you can't have my life!!! Thank you for sharing. http://sorrowstojoy.com/archives/4115
ReplyDeleteHi Elizabeth,
ReplyDeleteThis is a good word for me today, thank you. :)
So well said Elizabeth! I personally believe that God doesn't send catastrophes. They are a result of us having free will and in the case of natural disasters are just a part of how the earth works. But satan works hard to make people believe God is after them, doesn't love them, etc.
ReplyDeleteLovely pairing! I love your picture!
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