
Saturday, March 31, 2012

He is gracious and lovely…


I’m so thankful that God is gracious aren’t you?

He is full of grace.

He is altogether lovely.

The Bible says that there is nothing dark in Him, “no shadow of turning”.

Because He is full of grace,

because there is nothing dark or shady in His character,

because, by His very nature, everything He does is motivated by a heart filled with love,

He is altogether trustworthy.


It’s a choice we make every moment,

every day.

I’m so thankful I can trust Him.

He promises to never fail or forsake me.

Click the link above and it will take you to the verse in Deuteronomy that I’m leaning heavy on

with two daughter’s doing overseas missions right now,

and the Hubs and I leaving to preach a conference in Ghana, West Africa over Easter weekend.

Your prayers for us are much needed and appreciated.


Still following,




  1. My prayers are with you, Elizabeth! And your family. God bless the Ghana conference.

  2. Oh, He is altogether lovely, isn't He.
    Blessed by your post.
    Thankful to have found you via Fresh Brewed Sundays
    and am honored to pray for you and your family as you spread His Word.

    All for Him,

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    Praying for you as your heart is heavy for your children and as you go to preach God's Word.

    Our God is good always so very good! He deserves to be praised always in all circumstances.


  4. Missionaries three are you. May the Lord smooth your way. It is a troubled world. May you and your husband and two daughters find favor in the serving, but be ready and positioned for the fight if you are not. He promises to be with us no matter which way it turns out.

    God is good. All the time. Can you hear nature singing?

  5. Beautiful photo! You'll be in my prayers.

  6. Stunning photography! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your children. Yes, He is full of grace and trustworthy!

  7. beautiful edit and verse...just lovely. God is so good and faithful~

  8. Beautiful photo Elizabeth. And you know I am praying for you friend. Can't wait to hear about it afterward.

  9. Prayers and blessings for your family.

  10. Wonderful post. You are in my prayers.

  11. "Because He is full of grace, because there is nothing dark or shady in His character, because, by His very nature, everything He does is motivated by a heart filled with love, He is altogether trustworthy." I love it when you remind me who God is. And he is trustworthy. As I am not. God speed, my blog friend. And thank you for your sweet comment. I will pray.


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