
Monday, March 5, 2012

Orange Marmalade Cake, birthdays and bicycles…


The Hubs had a birthday last week…the big double five!

Alas, this means in about six months I will also be turning 55.

I don’t like those birthdays ending in five so much…

it means we’re officially heading down the slippery slope to the next birthday ending in the dreaded zero.  Ouch!

Well, you’re only as old as you feel, right?

To help keep us young, for his birthday, I bought my Hubs the male version of my cruiser bike.


We are both so pleased at the quality of these Huffy cruiser bikes, found at Walmart, for less than $100 each.

On our day off, we took our first ride together and really enjoyed it.

For his birthday cake I made Orange Marmalade Cake, made famous in Jan Karon’s wonderful Mitford books.

From what I understand, the cake in the story was not a real recipe, but so many people asked for the recipe that one was made up by a chef and was first printed in Victoria magazine. 

That is the recipe I use and first found on Jan Karon’s online bulletin board years ago.

After that, a Mitford cookbook was published. 

The recipe for Orange Marmalade Cake found in the cookbook is slightly different than this one,

but I’m of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” mindset, so I still use the old one.

The recipe calls for cake flour, but I didn’t have any.

I read somewhere that if you add two tablespoons of cornstarch in a one cup measuring cup, then fill it up the rest of the way with flour, and then sift it together, it is the same as cake flour, so that’s what I did.


The cake batter is flecked with orange zest.


After the cakes are baked you pour fresh orange juice mixed with a little sugar over them,

letting it soak into the cake.


Orange Marmalade is warmed slightly and used as filling between the cake layers.




The cake is then frosted with a delicious combination of whipped cream and sour cream.

It is then chilled and served cold.



Here is the recipe as originally found online on the Jan Karon online bulletin board.



Trust me, this is one you are going to want to try.

Still following,


only a week left to enter my giveaway…

click on the photo below



  1. I'd love a bicycle like yours complete with basket. Unfortunately we live in a very hilly area and I could never ride a bike around here! Your cake looks delicious and the cake stand just adds to its appeal. Great photos too!

  2. We made the "new" version last year for DD#1's birthday. Oh. my. word. Words fail.
    Happy Birthday your hubs. We've got "double digit" birthdays coming up around here this month also!

  3. Ooh, that cake looks divine. I love anything orange or lemon. And I love Jan Karon's books.

    Those bikes are too cute. Happy Birthday to your man.

  4. Does Hubs get a basket for his bike? Something manly? I love the look of your two bikes. We have bikes but haven't ridden together yet. This year, for sure. The cake looks absolutely scrump-dilly-icious!

  5. Cake and anther other gift like Hollister clothing are good choices!

  6. Nothing could be better than that Orange Marmalade cake than maybe your bike!! yummy and fun!!

  7. Happy Birthday to the hubs!! Your bikes are adorable! And that cake looks delicious! :)

  8. Happy birthday to your hubby! And you are right, you are only as old as you feel. I think it's great that you and your husband enjoy riding bikes together. I am not sure I would remember how to ride one,it's been so long. And the cake looks delish!

  9. That looks delicious and is going to be pinned for a future try. Happy birthday to your hubby! We have a tandem bike, but I really want to get a set of regular ones so that I can ride when he's not home. It's on the wish list.

  10. Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by, yesterday, to leave sweet words!


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