
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Personalizing God’s Word…


God has had me in the book of Ephesians all week long,

both for my personal devotions

and in preparation to speak at the church conference in Ghana.

(We leave in just a bit over a week and still have so much to do before we go…your prayers are much needed!)

One of the things I’ve done is to personalize in my journal

everything God says I am or I have in the book of Ephesians.

For example, starting in Ephesians chapter one, I wrote:

  • I am blessed with every spiritual blessing.
  • I belong to Christ.
  • God loves me.
  • God chose me in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes.
  • It was always God’s plan to adopt me into His own family.

Proverbs 22:17-19 says that we should apply our heart to God’s instruction and that it is good to keep His sayings deep within ourselves, always ready on our lips.

I believe there is mighty power in speaking God’s word aloud.

Writing out Ephesians in a personal way gives me so many truths to speak aloud in prayer and confession.

Today, I wrote the last verse of Ephesians in my journal, personalizing it.

“God’s grace is upon me.  I love my Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”

It was so impacting that I knew I wanted this to be the verse I shared with you today.

I paired it with a photo of my favorite place.

God’s grace be upon you today, my friends,

and may we all love Jesus with an undying love.




  1. What a wonderful "exercise" (and Ephesians is one of my favorite books - 'course, I say that about Romans, Psalms, Proverbs, I John, and Galations, James, and I and II Peter, too.)

  2. Love making His Word personal. Thank you for sharing this today. Important to remember. Praying for you and your trip!

  3. Yes. This is such a comforting thing to do. The picture and scripture are beautiful.

  4. Oh I love this. I need to do this too!

  5. Praying Scripture is so powerful! Praying for you as you travel and speak! Thank you for a beautiful word.

  6. Hi Elizabeth,
    I love how you personalized this Scripture. I need to remember to do that too.
    I stopped over from Fresh Brewed Sundays and didn't realize you also had a link-up. :)
    God bless,

  7. It is so true, how confession out loud solidifies what we believe. When we hear it spoken, it changes how we see. Praying for you as you prepare to leave for Ghana. Can't wait to hear about what God does while you are there.

  8. Praying for you as you prepare for your trip! And thank you for sharing this post. I always find scripture incredibly moving when I personalize it.


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