
Sunday, March 11, 2012

This crazy, wonderful life…

It’s been far too long since we’ve been to the beach.

I don’t think we’ve been since last summer when we were blessed to have a seaside getaway

with all of our daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren.

Finally, the Hubs and I were able to take a night and day away,

and our 3 year old granddaughter was able to come with us.

How can you not overflow with thanksgiving when He gives us all of this to enjoy?



How can you refuse to be grateful when a little miracle is following your footsteps?


How can you be blind to all the beauty,


or refuse to see God’s image staring back at you when you see your reflection?


How can you resist noticing, enjoying and thanking Him, for this crazy, wonderful life He has given us?



I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little green journal…


3 gifts found-

-pussy willows

-the way our little blonde granddaughter loves me to make up stories to tell her

-sweet youngest granddaughter

a gift bent-

-a bald eagle flying so close overhead I see the crook of it’s beak

a gift broken-

-Jesus, Who was broken that I might live whole and free

a gift beautiful-

-seeing and talking with my two oldest grandkids via Skype

3 gifts in the kitchen-

-fresh running water

-more than enough food

-appliances, (convenience at the touch of a button)

3 gifts loud-

-crashing waves

-howling wind

-newborn grand-niece’s cries

3 gifts carved-

-Mama’s wooden rooster carved by my Uncle

-old wooden spoon found at the thrift store

-fireplace mantel

3 gifts found in Christ-

-my adoption into His family

-I’m accepted

-I’m beloved

3 gifts read-

-reading The Easter Story children’s book over and over to our granddaughter

-kind, encouraging blog comments

-texts from my girls


Gratefully yours,



Enter my giveaway…

The winner will be drawn tomorrow!



  1. finding joy and gratitude in the everyday. This is the awareness and thankfulness we need to have in our every day lives. :) gorgeous family.

  2. Oh, I only been to the coast outside Portland on one occasion but it looked just like this--cold, gray, cloudy--lovely, gorgeous, beautiful, breathtaking--

    I wonder how often I would go if I lived that close--I would want to go every weekend even if for an hour or so--

    I feel closer to God at the coast than anywhere else on earth besides the left end of my little aqua sofa--

    awesome post and I loved reading your gratitude list--you make it read like a great novel--

  3. Such beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us who are totally land-locked. I am always amazed at how different the west coast is from the east coast. Each has their exquisite beauty.

  4. such beautiful pictures and thoughts. it is so easy sometimes to overlook the beauty in the day...but i strive to catch glimpses as i joy count as well.

  5. What a gift we've been given to be so close to the beach! Glad you had a chance to be there again. Sweet thoughts of joy as I read of your gifts.

  6. So sweet! I have been to the beach too this week! So nice to see God's Creation!

  7. Oh...sweetness to be taken in...what a sweet time for the three of you...just wonderful...blessings to you...


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