
Friday, April 13, 2012

In a Ghanian village…





How do I express to you in one short blog post the sights, sounds, smells, experiences, and emotions we’ve had here in Ghana?

In four more days we fly home to a world and a lifestyle that seems so far removed

from life here that it’s hard to believe it’s real.

In that other world, that other life, I’ll be able to fill my tub with hot, bubbly water and wash off the last remains of red Ghanaian dust..

Ghanaian roosters won’t wake me with the sun,

and when I walk down the street black Ghanaian faces won’t smile at me and say,

“Obruni,(white person), how are you?” and want to touch my hand.

I’ll go home to that other life, while part of my heart stays here with my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren and the Ghanaian people who have been so kind to us.


Today, we went with a small team into some villages with candy, toys, school supplies,  and gospel tracts.

We taught the children songs and Bible stories.


We prayed with dozens of children to receive Christ, while the Bishop,

(the head of New Testament Assemblies in Ghana

who organized the conference we spoke at over Easter weekend),

talked to and prayed with the older youth and adults.



My grandson gave away a bag of his Hot Wheel cars to the children. 

He remembered when and where he had received each one and who had given it to him,

but he was happy to share them with the children who have no toys of their own.



My granddaughter gave away little paper dolls and hair clips to the girls.



While we did what we could, it seemed so insignificant compared to the need.

We are planning for ways to make a bigger difference, both in spiritual and practical ways.

An engineer from our church is here with us planning out how to help one village by digging

a deep water well to provide water for drip irrigation for crops.

In another village there is a need for a school and an orphanage.

We are also hoping to raise more funds for the Canaan Life Project,

which is a program that teaches Ghanaians vocational skills for financial independence.

The need is great, but we serve a great God who is able,

through His people, to make a difference.


Still following,



  1. I am so touched by these pictures...

  2. Elizabeth...there are no words that spring forth from my lips speechless after reading your post. You are so right...we serve a great God, an awesome God, who is more than able to meet our needs. Thank you for being obedient to His calling on your life and for encouraging all of us step out of our comfort zones and to be obedient to what He has called us all to do....spread the Gospel!!

  3. You pics of Ghana a fantastic. Your family is beaming love through their faces. I've heard spending time with African christians is life changing. Thank you for sharing these pics, words, and hope for the people of Africa.

  4. Can't wait to hear what our next step is, when you come back. Praying over return flights, (and emotions for you all, as you leave). Love, Susan

  5. every way. Praise Jesus.

  6. What a beautiful post. Love the pictures, especially the ones of your grand kids giving away their toys. Just to see the joy on the faces of children there. I am sure you will have more to share, as the Lord helps you to process your time there.

  7. He is able to meet every need. Can't wait to see you again and hear more.

  8. Hi Elizabeth,
    This is a beautiful and moving post. The work your family is doing in Ghana is so special. Bless your grandchildren for sharing their toys.
    God Bless you and your familyBarb from Australia

  9. How happy I am to discover your blog this morning....enjoyed it so much a sister of holiness have a new follower

  10. what an amazing trip Elizabeth, I'm smiling from ear to ear thinking about all that you have done – and all that you have done for our Lord, for those people, for love. The pictures of all of your posts, and your words, have brought us all right along with you. And I have to say the thing that touches me most – although all those children accepting our Lord is amazing – is your grandson giving away his hot wheels cars – that is a GIANT act of love – I was a little boy once – little boys really hard their hot wheels cars. He takes after his grandma, obviously. Thank you for this Elizabeth. God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours.


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