
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Last days in Ghana…


Our last weekend in Ghana we drove from Kumasi to Accra on a road that led through old growth jungle to the sea.

Bishop A. told us that the jungle was home to leopards, baboons, monkeys, antelope and pythons.

When asked what you would do if your car broke down on that narrow little road through the jungle,

Bishop replied, “You don’t get out of the car.  Robbers like this road too!”

Needless to say, we were glad we had no car trouble!




Sunday morning we ministered in a fishing village called Winneba, located not too far from Accra.

The beauty of its location by the sea was almost overshadowed by the extreme poverty seen there.

The little church had many young men, so excited about serving Jesus.

Imagine our surprise when, just before my husband got up to preach, they all left!

Bishop leaned over and whispered that they are part of a soccer team, and there was a big game that day. Smile


After church we were told that the ladies from the church had made us lunch.

I was a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect. 

(Ghanaians eat grass cutter and snails, which I’d been able to avoid so far.)

We had jollof rice, chicken, and kenkay with chicken in a spicy sauce.

It was really delicious.

On Monday, all of the traveling to villages and ministering was over, and we were able to enjoy some rest and relaxation with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren

before saying good-bye to them and catching our flight home on Tuesday night.

In Accra, we booked some rooms at a Ramada Resort on the beach, and not too far from the airport.

It was surreal driving through the gate in a large wall, and into a whole other world.


In this world there was not only running water, there was hot water too.

There were not just towels, but white, fluffy towels that had been machine washed and dried.

There were not just beds, but beds covered in clean white sheets and topped with soft, downy, white comforters.

There was even air conditioning.

And a swimming pool!

And everything was clean!

Part of me wanted to forget about the world outside of the wall.


Part of me wanted to pretend I hadn’t seen, hadn’t noticed,

the whole village of shacks built on top of the dump we had passed on the way.


Part of me wanted to just focus on the beauty of the sea,


and ignore the obvious that I was still in Ghana, which is ranked among the 30 poorest nations of the world.


Today, I’m home in my cozy, little home in Portland, Oregon, USA.

(And no, I never did eat grass cutter or snail, though I did eat goat twice!)

Ghana is approximately the same size as Oregon.

Oregon has just under four million people.

Ghana has just under twenty five million people.

I can’t forget them.

I can’t pretend I didn’t see them.

I can’t ignore them.






Still following,



  1. God bless, Elizabeth. I'm wondering if you feel differently in any way about your family's being there, having visited? Thank you so much for sharing some of your experience, and your photos are gripping!

  2. Welcome home, my friend. I'm so glad you had a safe trip home. Your words remind me of our days in Mexico - in a wonderful villa with friends when just outside our door (on the other side of the wall) was terrible poverty and little shacks that it seemed the sea would wash away in a moment. I can't wait to sit and catch up with you when you are ready.

  3. Welcome home. As for your pictures and words--there are no words for that. Such beautiful faces.

  4. Welcome back to the States. I can't rightly say, "Welcome Home" because if home is where the heart is, a huge part of yours is back in Ghana. I can tell that you have been forever changed by this trip. I loved reading the post below about your grandchildren sharing their own toys. I know that your heart is bursting with love for them, and so is the heart of God.

  5. As I said a prayer for you this morning, I wondered when you would post again. I know this trip has blessed you beyond measure. I can't imagine the blessing you have been able to pass on to others. Thank you for taking the time to share.

  6. Elizabeth I just read about your trip in the last few posts that you have done ~
    I really cannot imagine what it would be like to go there ~ I am sure it was a wonderful blessing for them and for you and also full of different emotions~
    Thank you for sharing with us!

  7. You'll never be the same, Elizabeth...although you already have a heart for all of God's children. (FYI...goat is served in fine restaurants throughout the US---probably even in Portland!)

    Welcome home.

  8. Thank you for sharing your visit with us. I'm glad you have a clear picture of your family's new home and the work they are doing. You will be able to pray for them and really see how God is working through them. On the selfish side, would you come with me on my next vacation and take pictures. Your pictures are so beautiful and capture so much emotion and truth. :)

  9. So grateful you are home safe! I know your heart will be forever changed! I pray God keeps you in His Perfect peace and rest! Thanks for sharing the photos of your experience!!!

  10. I love this post. I have enjoyed reading about your trip and especially looking at your photos. I can't imagine how your heart has been changed...for the better. Glad you didn't have to eat the snails or grass cutter. I don't think I could have handled that! =P Anxious to hear more. :)


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