
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Friendship, good food, and treasure hunting…


Last week my blog friend, Adrienne, and I finally were able to get together

for a long awaited lunch and afternoon of thrifting.

We talked non stop at lunch.

Me, about my recent trip to Ghana.

Her, about her new ministry at her church.



We shopped nonstop too.

We went to three Goodwill stores and two Salvation Army stores.

Adrienne went home with lots of goodies, and I didn’t do too bad myself.

I added some vintage silver to my collection for twenty five cents a piece!

I also got two vintage kitchen towels.

(I saw some just like these in an antique store for over forty dollars each!)

I got them for two dollars.


A few vintage tin molds were added to my growing collection.


Some pieces of transferware that go with my set,

(Johnson Bros. made in England “Indies” pattern),

were found too.

(I found cups and saucers at Salvation Army on my trip with Adrienne,

and the creamer, sugar and platter on an earlier visit to Goodwill.)





It was a lovely afternoon of friendship, good food and treasure hunting.

Not bad for only about $25 including the lunch!


Still following,



  1. Score! Where are all those beautiful things when I thrift? One day...

  2. Sounds like a fabulous day!! :)

  3. What a lovely way to spend a day! I like all of your collections, Elizabeth. And sharing lunch and thrifting while catching up with each other is a delightful way to celebrate a friendship...

  4. And I had a wonderful time, too! Every minute of our time together is a treasure to my heart! Your pieces of silver look incredible. Aren't you glad you were with a 'senior citizen' to get a discount on those sweet towels? Loved catching up and sharing our hearts and our love of thrifting together. Can't wait to do it again - better wait until my budget recovers!

  5. Wow, what treasures. Silver flatware for 25 cents a piece? Wow. No one deserves a bargain more. :)

  6. Such wonderful finds! Why doesn't my thrift store carry those goodies? :)

  7. Nothing better than Food, Fun, and Fellowship!
    Mary Alice

  8. WOWZA!!!!

    You really found some amazing treasures, oh my goodness!!!

    Thrifting and lunch - a perfect day to me!

  9. Love all your finds, and your photos are beautiful.

  10. Wow! Amazing treasures! Love your photos :) Can't get over $25 including lunch part!! Wish we had thrift stores like that down-under :)
    Greetings from Australia♥

  11. Hi Elizabeth,
    What a good day!!!
    Bargins, Friends and Food.....three of my favourite things.
    I love the blue transfer ware you found. It's a pretty pattern.
    Have a good week
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  12. Okay, your Goodwill finds are crazy. So beautiful. I never find anything like that at the Goodwill here where I live. Or perhaps those treasures are there and I simply have to uncover them!

  13. What glorious pieces! There's nothing like this at the GWs around here! :) So beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Look at all your great finds! I'd be beside myself with glee if I came across those tart tins :)


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