
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother’s Day Thanks…



The sun shone hot and bright today, like mid-summer, instead of mid May.

I’m soaking it all in,

the sun,

and the singing in worship,

and the preaching God’s Word at church this morning,

sharing the lessons God taught me through my own mama,

and brunch afterwards with oldest daughter, son-in-law,

and my two little granddaughters

dressed in sweet, fluffy Sunday School dresses,

with white patent leather shoes on their feet

and ankle socks trimmed in lace,

and the phone call from my daughter in Ghana,

and one from my daughter in Missouri,

and cards and yellow roses,

and blessings abounding.


I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts found about your home-

-a “peace” rose bush from a friend

-planting a new peony

-working in the yard with my Hubs on a sunny afternoon

3 gifts inside a closet-

-the shelves my handyman son-in-law put in my bedroom closet to help me keep my clothes organized

-my favorite gauzy top

-my favorite “ugly but comfy” old slippers


3 gifts found in the dark-


-the Hubs in bed next to me

-treasures hidden in darkness (Isaiah 45:3)

a gift outside-

-a huge, ugly plant in the backyard finally dug up

a gift inside-

-my home office repainted and getting a little makeover

a gift upside down-

-looking up at the sky through the cedar tree branches in our backyard

3 gifts about my parents-

-knowing without a doubt that they are both in heaven and that I really will see them again

-Mama, the practical one, giving me roots

-Daddy, the dreamer, giving me wings

3 gifts held in my hand today-

-my phone-a phone call from my only grandson, (in Ghana),  on his 8th birthday,

(the first birthday I’ve ever spent apart from him)

-cleaning products- as I do my weekly chores

-my fork- as we have a yummy, homemade, barbecued chicken salad for dinner

3 gifts found in my mother-

-her hands that loved me with each garment she sewed, loaf of bread she baked,

floor she mopped

-her perseverance when life dealt her some really hard blows

-her willingness to change


Gratefully yours,



  1. Your granddaughters are so sweet! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I loved your list as I always do. You have an uncanny knack of stating things that make me notice things, if that makes sense. I actually loved the very last one this week the best. I think the ability to change and the willingness to change are two of the greatest grace gifts. I tell my SS class all the time that change is a key part of the definition of repent. I want to always be open to change.

  3. Precious little ladies! Much to give thanks for.

    (Writing this while riding alongside gorgeous mountains so close I think we could touch them - somewhere between La Grande and Baker City.)

  4. Lovely, Elizabeth. Your mama gifts made me tear up.


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