
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My home office, aka Elizabeth’s sanctuary, finished!


I pray about most everything.

I really think God cares about even the smallest details of our life.

So, of course I prayed about my home office makeover.

I asked God to give me creative ideas and bargain prices, and He did!

First of all the color scheme is very soft and neutral.

I chose soft gray walls,  a soft white for the furnishings, and a tiny bit of black here and there.  Soothing…

I also tried to keep it simple and not overcrowded.


The nine drawer dresser was a craigslist bargain and stores my office and craft supplies.

On the wall above it is a $10 IKEA mirror and two metal wire baskets found on clearance at TJMaxx.

I wanted vintage chicken feeders for shelves,

but I’m very happy with this look for now.

I’ll keep looking for those feeders though!


On top of the dresser is a vintage German scale given to me by a lady in our church some years ago.

The little wooden box holds the smaller weights for the scale.

The shell ball is from a shell shop in Seaside, Oregon.

I’m still looking for a cheap thrift store  frame that I can paint white for the painting I did.


I bought two IKEA Billy bookshelves.

What a blessing when we went to pick them up and found out that they were on sale for $20 off each one!

Another blessing was that three young guys from church put them together for me and anchored them to the wall, so little granddaughters are protected from falling shelves.


Here’s my desk, you can read more about it’s makeover here.


Here’s my little prayer bench with the P R A Y mobile I made hanging over it.


We don’t have tv at all downstairs in the living area of our home,

so there’s one here on top of my file cabinet, and one in an armoire in our bedroom.


I decided I’m content with the simplicity of a white throw blanket over the comfy chair until or if I find an inexpensive slipcover.


I’m very happy with my quiet, peaceful space, and really believe it’s an answer to my prayers!


Still following,



  1. Love your wire baskets. You have a beautiful and restful quiet place.

  2. I think the whole office turned out very charming! Your special touches are beautiful!

  3. A wonderful space blessed by God!

  4. It looks like a beautiful, peaceful place to work, write and reflect! Job well done!

  5. God is Good....I definitely think He wants us to acknowledge Him even in the small things, and it brings Him joy when we are happy in our homes. Your room is it.

    1. Tried to click over to your blog to respond to you, but it's not letting me. Hope you see my response here and know I appreciate your comment.

  6. This is a wonderful space. Enjoy.

  7. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your office/sanctuary is so peaceful and pretty...I love it.
    Congratulations on creating this lovely space
    Have a good week
    God Bless
    Barb from AustraliA

  8. Love it all...I pray about my decorating and creating too! I call it "Divine Inspiration" your space :) Laurel

  9. It's a beautiful, restful place, Elizabeth.

  10. Hi Elizabeth, I come to see you every morning now after I journal my prayers and add to my One Thousand Gifts. Your blog has helped to bring me back closer to where I should be. Thank you for your influence. We never know how we influence the lives of others. Thought I would share. Blessings, Debbie

    1. What an encouragement your words are to me! God bless you richly!

  11. Here from Savvy Southern Style, I love your blog! Beautiful room, and great inspiration, now following :)

    Would love it if you followed me too !

  12. I so enjoy the peeks into peoples' homes/rooms, etc. Your office is near perfect, Elizabeth! The bookshelves are wonderful - and how wise to fasten them to the wall.

    I also read your more recent post re. the clock on your phone. Very unusual - and it almost had to be a "God-thing" (as we sometimes call them at our house....).

  13. Beautiful! Love your hanging baskets and your prayer bench especially...enjoy your new space!


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