
Sunday, May 6, 2012



The cool, gray morning gave way to bright, warm sunshine while we were in church this morning.

In all honesty, it was a rather cool, gray week.

Inside, not just outside.

Sometimes in this ministry life we live, people’s problems and brokenness weigh heavy on my soul.

But, sometime during worship in church this morning,

the bright, warm Son broke through.


I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


a gift given-

-birthday gifts to mail to Ghana for my oldest granddaughter’s birthday, only grandson’s birthday,

and daughter’s birthday, all in the next few weeks

a gift made-

- homemade jam given to us my my sister-in-law

a gift sacrificed-

-Thank You, Father God, for sending Jesus

three gifts tasted-

-fruit smoothie for breakfast…again

-goat cheese on homemade french bread, roasted chicken, fresh grapes

-delicious ginger cookies


3 gifts flat-

-study notes for a newly begun Bible study

-a love note from my oldest granddaughter tucked into my journal

-utility bills ready to mail and the provision to pay them

3 gifts found in difficult people-

-dependence on God’s grace

-His love shed abroad in my heart when my love runs out

-His Word and promises to lean on

3 gifts before 9am-

-fresh, hot coffee…of course! Smile

-waking up on our one day off together…joy!

-frosted Mini-Wheats cereal

a gift in a sign-

-“Expect A Miracle”, the sign that hangs over our front door to be seen each time we leave home


a gift in a smile-

-great niece’s smiles at her 6th birthday party

a gift in a snack-

-goat cheese on crackers…yum!

3 gifts found in Christ-

-forgiveness and the power to be forgiving

-grace and the power to give grace

-love and the power to be loving to others


Gratefully yours,



  1. I love it that your found a note from your granddaughter in your Bible. As if it were not already full to overflowing with treasure, she added yet another.

    And I love that sign! I would like to copy that. It goes along with my SS lesson yesterday in a way.

  2. I can identify with those occasional "grey days/weeks"...

    I'm going to make that sign and hang it over BOTH doors! What a great one.

    I certainly admire your healthy eating habits, too.

    Praying for a little more sunshine in your week -- and mine :)

  3. Loving your list this week, Elizabeth.

  4. I am reading One Thousand Gifts right now ~
    I love it!!

  5. Thank you for sharing your heart again. Yesterday was a 'gray' day in my heart, a heaviness for people in our ministry. I love the way the Father reaches down and lifts the load and says He will carry it! Thinking I need to make a sign like yours and put it all over my house!

  6. Wow. I am going to be meditating a while on that one about a gift in a difficult person. What a different slant on a situation. I like it. I am going to look for the gift in the difficult person and perhaps handle things in a lot better way. How many gifts do we miss because we aren't paying attention. Thanks.

    1. Yes, that really is giving thanks "in everything" isn't it? Not always easy!

  7. So happy to link up after you at Multitudes on Monday - I loved visiting your blog! And I identify with you in your need of Sonshine - every day. Enjoy those sweet grandkids - we are blessed with ten, and the youngest, a sweet baby girl, born just six weeks ago.

  8. Love your list, Elizabeth. Saying a prayer now for the weariness ministry can bring.

  9. Love your categories. Looking at things that way.

    1. I try to reply back to the commenters blog, but couldn't find a way to do that. I hope you receive this reply and know I appreciate your comment!


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