
Monday, May 14, 2012

Yellow Roses and Eye Strain…


My friend from church buys fresh flowers each week for the greeter’s table in the church entryway.

She then blesses someone by sending the flowers home with them.

I got to take these beautiful yellow roses home on Sunday, Mother’s Day!


They are so lovely.

It’s tempting me to go to the garden center and get that yellow floribunda rose I saw there last week.


On another note, my very old laptop, (in PC years), is giving up the ghost.

I’m having to photo edit and blog on my husband’s itty bitty mini notebook computer.

If things look off a bit,  blame it on that.

If you meet me face to face and I’m squinting, it’s due to the eye strain.

I may have to start blogging with a magnifying glass.


PC or Mac, that is the question we are dealing with.

Money to buy a new computer wasn’t exactly on the priority list right now either.

Me and mini might just have to put up with each other for a while longer.

Doing it without griping, now that is another story! Smile




So how’s your Monday been?

Other than the computer issues, mine has been good.

I’m making my home office/sanctuary over, so I’ve been puttering around on that project.

I’ll be blogging about it soon!

Still following,



  1. Hi from Twin Falls, Idaho! Love your yellow roses. Get the yellow rose for your yard - you won't regret it! I have one in the backyard where I can see it from my kitchen window and dining room table - and another near the front door. My Monday has been w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l! Time with my sweetheart, riding across Oregon and most of Idaho - time away, time for quiet praise at the views of God's creation. Oh for more Mondays like this!

  2. I love your friend's tradition of sharing, and your gift of yellow roses is beautiful. They are among my favorites. (yellow roses)

    And I had the same issue when I spilled coffee on my laptop awhile back. I borrowed a small contraption from the husband that I named Winky for obvious reasons.

  3. Re. your computer....God will supply ALL your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus! Not sure how this will "pan out" for you, but confident that He knows, He cares, and His resources are limitless, Elizabeth.

    I am eager to see your office/sanctuary. (And I'm intrigued by that description!)

    I'm still basking in the mixed emotions of a day spent with our newest grandson yesterday. He's hospitalized, recovering from a virus that has really sapped his strength and health....I was a heavy and sweet day all at the same time.

  4. Such pretty flowers! I had yellow roses when I got married. I need a new laptop too and am wondering the same thing you are...PC or Mac. I can't decide.

    Hope you have a good week!

  5. As a good friend of mine would say "Decisions between PC and Mac? Now there's a first world problem for ya!" I'm anxious to see which you choose, and how you adjust if you switch. Ray did the switch to everything Apple.

    Love ya.


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