
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Be full of joy-rejoice!


Walking beside the sea, I spied this family frolicking together.

They seemed to be having so much fun and the way they were reflected in the wet sand made this shot irresistible.

I felt it a fitting photo to go with this verse.

To be always full of the joy of the Lord, no matter our circumstances, must be possible if God tells us to do it.

Happiness comes and goes with what is happening.

Joy, on the other hand, comes from the Strong Place within, our spirit, which is the dwelling place of God’s Spirit.

So many times when I felt like circumstances around me were overwhelming, if I pushed past what I was feeling, the turmoil of my emotions, I could sense within that Strong Place.

I am reassured that, no matter what, all is well with God as the Rock beneath my feet that cannot be shaken.


Still following,




  1. That's a perfect illustration of joy! Loved reading your words - needed the reminder today.

  2. What a wonderful capture. Happiness comes and goes with what is happening. I like to think happiness isn't just a feeling, but an attitude. I love joy, too.

  3. A Magnificent shot, truly timeless, Elizabeth!

  4. I love this photo. The colors are stunning!

  5. Wonderful picture!! Joy... the result of Thanksgiving!!

  6. Beautiful picture - such joy!

  7. This part is essential: " matter what, all is well with God as the Rock beneath my feet that cannot be shaken." Thank you for sharing that.

  8. So true! Joy comes from an unchanging place...that is not bound by circumstances. How very blessed we are to have God's eternal joy! stopping by from Sunday with Deidra. Blessings~


  9. Such a perfect photo to depict joy - beautiful!

  10. You matched the verse and photo so beautifully. Joy is definitely deeper than happiness, and that Rock underneath our feet is so steady. Thanks for encouraging me today, Elizabeth.

  11. Nice picture!
    The Joy of the Lord is a choice and can only be found while resting in Jesus who is in God who dwells in us. Sanctification.


  12. Perfect picture to describe love, joy, happiness! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Great photo to go with the verse - I too notice when we have a happy attitude -- joy can more easily filled ones heart-up and you shine with hope in the Lord..

  14. I went for a walk today -- even though the heat was climbing -- because all I wanted to do was be out and about and worship and praise the Lord. The only answer to life.

  15. Love that shot. And the way we can have joy in the midst of hard times and difficult circumstances that say otherwise. Only by His strength. He is good.

  16. Love this shot. Joy is such a gift.

  17. Wonderful photo... but even more beautiful is your post! It has really touched deep in my heart this evening. Thank you for sharing with Scripture Sunday this week... I am so glad you linked this particular post.

    Wendy @ ECTaS

  18. Great photo! And yes, it is possible to walk in that deep, abiding JOY! Have a blessed week.

  19. Thank you for these good reminders on this Lord's day. I appreciate you stopping by, Mary Alice

  20. Great capture. I love the reflection in the water. They look like they are having such fun.

  21. Great words! Wonderful photo. They look like they're having a blast!

  22. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  23. You caught those reflections just wonderfully! Beautiful! And I loved the verse with it.


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