
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father’s Day thanks…


oldest daughter


second-born daughter


youngest daughter


All three of our daughters posted photos of themselves with their Daddy on Facebook for Father’s Day.

I thought I’d share the ones they chose here.

We had a great Father’s Day.

The hubs preached a great message at church this morning about being a godly man and father.

After church we went over to our oldest daughter’s, (the only one who currently lives nearby),

for a delicious barbecue.

Three year old granddaughter showed us that she has mastered the somersault.

PicMonkey Collage

Youngest granddaughter was sportin’ pigtails.


Me, I’m sportin’ a big smile and my heart is full of gratitude for this abundant life God has given.


I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts painted-

-old blue dresser

-soft gray walls

-playing with watercolors

3 gifts full-

-my heart full of love and gratitude for oldest granddaughter on her birthday


-my heart full of thanks to God for all of His goodness

-my day full and busy

3 gifts smelled-

-the first bloom on my David Austin Glamis Castle rose

-coffee brewing

-the Hub’s cologne when he is getting ready in the morning

a gift unexpected-

-a broken relationship on the mend

a gift unwanted-

-the check engine light coming on during a long drive

a gift unlikely-

-so much joy and laughter in a formerly very tense situation

3 gifts in His Word-

-Colossians 1:9- prayer to know God’s will

-Colossians 1:11-strengthened with His glorious power and filled with joy

-Colossians 1:17-Jesus holds everything together

3 gifts moving-

-me-week 6 of 5K training

-progress on our new church building

-granddaughter somersaulting

3 gifts in my dad-

-how God used Daddy to teach me about His great grace

-how he could spin a yarn

-how at the last, even in the nursing home, he never complained


Gratefully yours,



  1. So great to see these beautiful pictures of your family. Miss you my friend! Glad your husband and family had a blessed Father's day. Thankful for ALL of you!

  2. I love the photos that your girls posted. There's a lot of love in those faces.

  3. Wonderful! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! Joy is such a rare gift these days. Fantastic project.

  4. Absolutely beautiful!!! Adding your blog to my reader. : )

  5. sweet sweet... love the adorable. blessings~


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