
Monday, June 11, 2012

Gifts from my girl, news about some blog changes and other chit chat…

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Oldest daughter gave me this beautiful French towel for Mother’s Day.

It came in the mail from France with a French postage stamp on the package. Smile

The embroidered initials have special meaning, two Ms for two grandkids that are across the world in Ghana right now.

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Last week, that same daughter and her husband were in Napa, California.

We watched our two little granddaughters while Mama and Daddy were gone.

My daughter brought me back this lovely marmalade from a restaurant they loved, called French Blue.

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Part of me wants to open and taste it,

and part of me doesn’t want to disturb this  “cute in every way” canning jar.

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I’m jealous of my youngest brother.

His wife and he just had a much deserved vacation in France.

Did you know you can rent French barges, basically a floating R.V., and go all over France on the canals?

I didn’t know about it, until I heard about their trip.

Oh, I think that would be a dream vacation for sure.

They are veteran missionaries, having served in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda, and are currently preparing to go into a different country and area of the world,

so they really, really deserved this rest and special time together.

(I just wish they would have taken me with them. Smile)


So, onto some promised news about some blog changes.

First of all, I had tried to start a second blog, Moms of Missionaries, in order to have a safe place for myself and any other moms of missionaries to share the joys and sorrows of having kids and grandkids overseas.

I soon realized, keeping up one blog is very time consuming, and two just was too much.

Besides, this blog is about following Jesus in my real life, and my real life includes being a mom to missionaries. 

So, I’ll just share my joys and sorrows here like I already have been.

I hope that you readers will spread the news to any moms of missionaries you know,

that I’d love this to be a safe place for us to dialog about our unique situation.

Have you noticed some changes on my sidebar?

Yep, there have been a few tweaks, thanks to Debi of Blog Togs.

Debi’s not taking on new blog design jobs currently, but I do want to publicly thank her for her help to me.

One of the sidebar changes is that I will now be taking ads on my blog,

(under the sidebar heading Blog Sponsors).

I’m calling it Ads for Missions,

(see the link under my header).

One hundred percent of all ad proceeds will go right to missions work in Ghana.

If you have an etsy shop or online business and would like to advertise here while giving to a good cause,  just contact me via my email on my sidebar.

If don’t have an ad to place, but want to donate to help give Ghanaians vocational skills, you can give directly to Ask for the Nations “Canaan Life” project via the paypal link on my sidebar.

Lastly, on an interesting side note.

My French Canadian relatives are Catholic.

On our dream trip to P.E.I. last summer we found out that some of our relatives had been Catholic missionaries to Africa.

I just find it fascinating that God has put a heart for Africa in our blood line,

for reasons known only to Him I guess.


Still following,



  1. That marmalade jar is so cute. I think you have a gorgeous blog. I don't sell anything, but I'll keep reading and sharing your link with anyone I think would like it. :)

  2. That is fascinating, Elizabeth! The ads for missions is a great idea. I hope you do well.

  3. Those are some lovely gifts from your daughter & son in law! What a wonderful gift! I didn't know abou the French Barges, hmmm, might be a goal vacation for me and hubbs when our girls leave home!

    I for one, would love to keep up on the emotions and testimonies our your missionary kids!

    Blessings for a new week!


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