
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lovely thoughts…

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“Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right.”


“Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable.”


“Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8


The skies are gray and rainy today, as have been many of our days so far this June.

But evidently my roses love the weather.


With my circumstances, with the people in my life, I can either focus on the things I don’t like, or the things I do.

It’s so easy to be critical, to murmur, grumble and complain.

I’ve found that it’s much more life giving to do what this verse says, to fix my mind on the praiseworthy things, the lovely things.


I’ve heard is said, and I believe it’s true, that the way the mind goes is the way the life goes.

I have noticed that the more I make an effort to fix my mind on the blessings I already have,

the more blessed I am.


Still following,



  1. My favorite verse. Beautiful peonies. :)

  2. Beautifully written, Elizabeth. Just beautiful! Your prose is perfect with your awesome scripture. :)

    xoxo laurie

  3. Lovely thoughts for sure. I agree, keeping our minds joyful and thankful is not always an easy thing to do. Although seeing the beauty in your blog makes my mind very happy!

  4. indeed, you are right. {{gentle hug}}

  5. It's so easy to take our eyes off of Him. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and encouraging words.

  6. If you have ever seen a parent grieving over a wayward child that has gone so far away from God and ruined their life and then realize that you have been blessed with children that love and serve God- you will realize that you have the best life ever. You have nothing to envy from anyone.

  7. The roses .... for a minute, I thought they were peonies because they were so large and full. David Austin roses? Beautiful thoughts...

  8. One of my favorite verses and one I aspire to follow everyday!! I agree about our minds and our lives. I had been in a little tail spin recently with my thoughts. Thank goodness God is merciful and gracious!! I've remedied that problem. It's a daily thing sometimes, isn't it? :) The roses are beautiful!! :)

  9. Your roses are beautiful! Striving to see the beauty in every day!


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