
Saturday, June 23, 2012


On our way to the conference my hubs and I attended this week, we spent the night at my sister’s house.
She and her husband are the pastors of a great church in a small town in southern Oregon.
This photo is of the river that runs right past the backyard of their home.
(I may be a wee bit jealous.)
My husband spent a few hours fishing off their dock.
It was so calm, peaceful and quiet there.
I love how this scripture tells us that by returning to God and in rest and quietness placing our confidence in Him, we find our strength.
All too often we think we have to fret, worry, strive, try harder, and figure everything out on our own.
No wonder we are worn out and weary!
God’s ways are so much better.

Still following,



  1. I crave quiet peaceful and calm and this place sounds so perfect. Wishing you a great weekend.

  2. What a lovely spot and even more so sharing it with family. Glad you got to experience a quiet getaway in the nearness of His presence.

  3. Your photo and verse go together beautifully. It is wonderful when we experience the rest that God offers-- glad you and your husband had this time!

  4. There is so much peace in that photo...and in that verse.

  5. That is one of my favorite verses. Beautiful photo!

  6. The photo is so beautiful and it reflects peace.


  7. Yeah...
    I'd hang out there for a bit.

  8. SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing.

  9. I have always loved that verse and the photo is a perfect match for it. So glad He is our peace and rest.

  10. forever amazed as how our work may lead to our worship and our worship lead us right back to our work ...

  11. Glad you had such a blessed time. Rest and relaxation are real blessings. When/if I get back to see my family in Clatskanie and Longview and friends in Klickitat, The Dalles, and Vancouver, you might end up stuck with me... you make me smile. I so miss being there.[I hope you do know I'm just winking. But since born in Portland, I've "been" there often.]

  12. He certainly knows best even though it's very hard to be quiet and calm at times. Thanks for the reminder of another wonderful Truth!
    And thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, Mary Alice

  13. God's ways are totally better... so why do I forget that sometimes? Thanks for the beautiful reminder. What a calm, quiet scene in that photo.

  14. This is a favorite verse of mine. It always reminds me to cease from my striving and put my trust in God. Thanks for linking up with Freshly Brewed Sundays!

  15. I can understand you being jealous, what a beautiful place!

    Thanks for the reminder to slow down. When one is busy it is so easy to just plow ahead to get it done. Often if one just steps back and takes a moment, things have a way of taking care of themselves. I'm so glad that God is always right there with us, just waiting for us to slow down, remember Him and let Him lead.

  16. "fret, worry, strive, try harder, and figure everything out on our own" That is what I am doing, and I am feeling weary. I needed this reminder.

  17. So good! I'm your newest follower. :)

    LOVE your HEART for Jesus!


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