
Monday, July 9, 2012

Boulangerie Sign...

   Nana's Bread Sign 1.jpg

Our family's love for all things bread has become a family joke.

When my Mama was alive, bread was her cure for every type of hunger pain.

Toast was one of her favorite foods.

Her homemade bread cannot be matched, no matter how much I try.

Even though my family loves my homemade bread, it just isn't as good as hers.

When I made a driftwood sign, to hang in my wee little kitchen, (yes it really is as small as it appears in this photo), it made sense to have a reference to bread in the sign.

{Side note: on our trip last summer to P.E.I. a distant relative was performing at the Seafood Festival. When we looked up her website it said she was "a lover of song and all things bread", so I guess it really is a family trait!}

Anyway, since we love bread, and all things French are tres chic right now, I've been noticing rustic BOULANGERIE signs here and there in my online browsing.

And so…

I made my own!

Boulangerie Sign 4.jpg

Yes, the BOULANGERIE, (bread shop), arrow is pointing to my kitchen.

Boulangerie Sign 2.jpg

Boulangerie Sign 6.jpg

I like it!

And yes, I do love all things bread!

Still following,



  1. Your sign is perfect! Loving all things bread is one of my problems!

  2. Nothing better than hot bread and butter

  3. Bread is the downfall of every diet I've ever been on. Yummy bread. Had to look up Boulangerie.

  4. I think it's perfect! (And thanks for telling what it means. I was going to head to google if you didn't. )

  5. LOVE the sign Elizabeth!!
    Oh, and catching up with you, your last post is making me crave pizza for breakfast!


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