
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


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The sun is up, I can hear the sprinklers in the backyard, and cool air is coming through my open office window.

The shasta daisies are all in bloom and, I assume, enjoying their early morning drink, while I cradle my coffee cup and try to get fully awake.


Is there any flower that says summer like daisies?

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Daisies in cute, squatty little lemonade bottles, all lined up in a zinc chicken feeder on my kitchen windowsill, are a perfect summery arrangement.

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Don't they just make you smile?

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Still following,



  1. Sweet. Nothing is as sweet as daisies are. This brightened up my day. :)

  2. Awww, daisies, my favorite! You've encouraged me to go pick some. :) Thanks!!

  3. Daisies are my favorite flower! I have a spiritual tie for them. Growing up in Az, we had weeds & cactus everywhere! But it never failed, that where ever you looked, right in the middle of the ugly & thorny patch of weeds, a few daisies are standing straight and tall!

    Well, one day when I was about 15, I was talking to God, about being the only "christian" in my home, I was feeling out of place & the odd one. Then God showed me the daisies across the street! I realized then, that they still rose up to praise their Creator, even in the midst of their ugly surroundings!

    Thank you for sharing the pictures of them, in my eyes, daisies are amazing!

  4. I love happy daisies! You painted a lovely picture of your morning!

  5. Hi Elizabeth,
    Daisies in bottles.....You can't get any more fresher, summery and happier than that. Just beautiful!!
    I'd like to do this on my kitchen window you mind if I copy your idea? I just love this arrangement.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  6. Love your daisies! Think I'd better scoot outside and cut some of mine to bring in for my kitchen window! They are so summer-y!

  7. So pretty! I love the bottles! Your arrangement is beautiful!

  8. Simple and lovely! Please come share this at our link party - "Home is Where the Heart is" Please feel free to link any other posts you'd like to share!

  9. Daisies just sing summer to me!
    Love that you put them in those bottles...just perfect!


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