
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Friday's Favs…I'm lovin my newest trash to treasure creation

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Look at my tres chic berry crate all the way from a berry market in France!

O.K., so maybe I didn't fool you, but I'm pretty happy with my little trash to treasure crate.

Here's the scoop...

Then, on my usual jog around the neighborhood, I saw something in the neighbor's "take me I'm free" pile by the curb.

It was a small wooden "cart" outdoor planter.

It was dark green, covered in moss, rotten in spots, with pieces totally broken off.

It was so pitiful that I didn't take a before photo.

I was pretty sure it was going to end up as firewood for our outdoor fire pit, but since it was free I decided to see if I could make my idea come to pass.

My idea was to make a homemade version of a French berry crate.

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I took the little broken cart home.

I took it all apart.

I scrubbed it clean with soap, water and bleach.

I removed all the old nails.

I put just the body of the little cart back together using small finish nails and some liquid nails here and there.

Hey, it was beginning to look like a crate!

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I painted the whole thing with some gray paint I already had around the house.

When that was dry I painted on the words.

"Marche baies" which means berry market and "10 livres" means 10 pounds.

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When the words were dry, I put some dark wax here and there to make it look used.

My secret dark wax? The Hub's brown shoe polish.

Then I went over the whole think with paste wax and gave it a good buff.

Et voila!

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I'm lovin' it!

It will be a handy container for holding items for a meal outdoors, as seen here.

Inside I may use it to hold magazines or throw blankets.

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I wish I would have taken a before photo.

It really did look as if it was only fit for the burn pile.

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There's something gratifying about taking trash and turning it into treasure.

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Well, it's almost Friday.

Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday


a BLESSED weekend!


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  1. You are so talented - and creative - my friend! Love your 'new' French crate. Ingenious, you are!

  2. I too get satisfaction from turning trash into something useful & pretty. I think it is sort of a parable how the Lord works on us in our sinful state, to make us into something beautiful, by His grace alone! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  3. You are so is adorable!

  4. Hooray for you! It really looks great ~ you could never tell us that it was ready for the burn pile :)

  5. LUV it!!!! great way to save items from the landfills :)

  6. Well first, I love it.
    Second, I agree about the little pleasure of taking trash and turning it into treasure. Really and truly, I would rather do that than buy something new. Great job!

  7. very creative and practical! my favorite kind of projects! following you! hop on over my blog and you'll find frugal decor and projects on a budget!!

  8. So pretty! Beautiful job making her pretty again. Thank you for sharing. Visiting from Common Ground. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Wishing you a grand weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedciatedHouse

  9. Great idea and such a pretty, practical piece.

  10. such wonderful images. Great job! Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  11. This is a great makeover Elizabeth!
    And, your photos are just so pretty!

  12. So cute~ love it! Sharing it at the party tonight~ thanks for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!!


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